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THIS IS JEOPARDY! Now here is the host of Jeopardy… Ms. Healy Welcome and.

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2 THIS IS JEOPARDY! Now here is the host of Jeopardy… Ms. Healy Welcome and

3 100 200 300 400 500 400 500 400 500 400 500 400 500 US History “No taxation without representation” Sons of Liberty Declaration of Independence The War Who’s Who DJ

4 “No taxation without representation” 100 Answer: Harsh and unfair government. What is tyranny?

5 “No taxation without representation” 200 Answer: The legislative branch of British government. What is Parliament?

6 “ No taxation without representation” - 300 Answer: The colonists were required to feed and supply soldiers stationed in the colonies to enforce the Proclamation of 1763. What was the Quartering Act ?

7 “No taxation without representation” 400 Answer: James Otis argued against these open ended search warrants issued by Parliament to eliminate smuggling What was a writ of assistance?

8 “No taxation without representation” 500 Answer: Strict trade laws designed to ensure that colonial trade existed for the benefit of the British crown. What were the Navigation Acts?

9 Sons of Liberty - 100 Answer: He organized the Boston Sons of Liberty. Who was Sam Adams?

10 Sons of Liberty - 200 Answer: Act of violence committed against tax collectors who tried to enforce the Stamp and Townshend Acts. What was tar and feathering?

11 Sons of Liberty - 300 Answer: Paul Revere’s engraving of the Boston Massacre showed soldiers firing into an unarmed crowd What is an example of propaganda?

12 Sons of Liberty - 400 Answer: Signal to advise the colonists of the movement of the British regulars prior to the Battles of Lexington and Concord. What is “one if by land, two If by sea”?

13 Sons of Liberty - 500 Answer: Punishment for the Boston Tea Party. What were the Intolerable Acts

14 Declaration of Independence 100 Answer: Independence might not have been declared if King George III did not refuse to consider this request for a peaceful resolution What was the Olive Branch Petition?

15 Declaration of Independence 200 Answer: His pamphlet convinced the average colonist that only a complete break with England made sense. Who was Thomas Paine?

16 Declaration of Independence 300 Answer: The four sections of the Declaration of Independence What is the preamble, statement of rights, list of grievances and resolution of independence ?

17 Declaration of Independence 400 Answer: A direct quote that describes how government gets its power What is from the “consent of the governed”?

18 Declaration of Independence 500 Answer: In June 1776, this Virginia delegate proposed that the colonies declare independence. Who was Richard Henry Lee?

19 The War - 100 Answer: In spite of British victory, in June 1775, it demonstrated the Americans were going to be able to hold their own against the British What was the Battle of Bunker Hill?

20 The War 200 Answer: Two early battles that demonstrated the advantage guerilla warfare would have over the British What were the Battles of Lexington And Concord ?

21 The War - 300 Answer: It convinced France to become an ally of the Americans. What was the significance of the Battle of Saratoga?

22 The War 400 Answer: General John Burgoyne’s goal for attacking the Americans at Saratoga. What was “cut off New England from the middle and southern colonies”?

23 The War 500 Answer: What was the Battle of Yorktown? Washington saw this opportunity to deliver the “final blow”, by trapping Cornwallis between his cannons and a French naval blockade.

24 Who’s Who? - 100 Answer: He took credit for the American victory at Saratoga even though Benedict Arnold would have liked to. Who was Horatio Gates?

25 Who’s Who? - 200 Answer: He took command of the Continental Army in Cambridge in May 1775. Who was George Washington?

26 Who’s Who? - 300 Answer: The British believed their willingness to hire us was going to guarantee their victory. Who were the Hessians?

27 Who’s Who? - 400 Answer: He inspired Thomas Jefferson to guarantee unalienable rights Who was John Locke?

28 Who’s Who? - 500 Answer: He became the military governor of Massachusetts after the rebels organized the Boston Tea Party Who was General Thomas Gage?

29 200 400 600 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 800 1000 DOUBLE JEOPARDY! Strengths Treaty of Paris invalid FJ

30 Strengths - 200 Answer: The enemy became overconfident What is an American strength?

31 Strengths - 400 Answer: Willingness to engage in guerilla warfare What was an American strength?

32 Strengths - 600 Answer: Highly trained and well -organized Who are the British?

33 Strengths - 800 Answer: The enemy had an untrained militia What was a British strength?

34 Strengths - 1000 Answer: The enemy lacked passion for their cause What was an American strength?

35 Treaty of Paris - 200 Answer: 1783 What year was the treaty negotiated ?

36 Treaty of Paris - 400 Answer: The Mississippi River What was the western boundary of the United States?

37 Treaty of Paris - 600 Answer: The most important term of the treaty What was Britain's recognition of US independence?

38 Treaty of Paris - 800 Answer: Benjamin Franklin, John Adams & John Jay Who negotiated the treaty for the United States?

39 Treaty of Paris - 1000 Answer: It was returned to Spain What is Florida?

40 Vocabulary - 200 Answer: The notion that human beings can Change the world around them in A positive way. What is progress ?


42 FINAL JEOPARDY! Category: Answer: Home rule and rights of English Citizens

43 FINAL JEOPARDY! Category: Question: What did the Americans demand in the Olive Branch Petition?

44 Answer:.


46 Vocabulary - 600 Answer:.

47 Vocabulary - 800 Answer:

48 Vocabulary - 1000 Answer:

49 Pop Culture - 200 Answer:

50 Pop Culture - 400 Answer:

51 Pop Culture - 600 Answer:

52 Pop Culture - 800 Answer:

53 Pop Culture - 1000 Answer:

54 Wild Card - 200 Answer:

55 Wild Card - 400 Answer:

56 Wild Card - 600 Answer:

57 Wild Card - 800 Answer:

58 Wild Card - 1000 Answer:

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