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Phrasal verbs fall. fall + about [people are falling about] people are laughing uncontrollably.

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Presentation on theme: "Phrasal verbs fall. fall + about [people are falling about] people are laughing uncontrollably."— Presentation transcript:

1 Phrasal verbs fall

2 fall + about [people are falling about] people are laughing uncontrollably

3 fall + apart 1. [something fall apart] something breaks into pieces, usually because it is weak, old, or badly made 2. [an organization, system or relationship falls apart] an organization, system or relationship no longer works effectively and eventually fails or ends completely 3. [someone is falling apart] unable to think or behave normally and calmly because they are in such a difficult or unpleasant situation

4 fall + away 1. [something falls away] breaks off from the surface that it was attached to 2. [land falls away] land slopes gently downwards 3. an unpleasant quality or a difficulty disappears and no longer affects you 4. the degree, amount, or strength of something becomes less or smaller 5. [a sound falls away] a sound gradually becomes quieter until you can no longer hear it

5 fall + back 1. [an army falls back during a battle or war] an army retreats during a battle or war 2. [you fall back] suddenly move backwards away from someone or something because they have upset or frightened you

6 fall + back + on / upon use something that you know you can rely on or do it when other things have failed

7 fall + behind 1. move more slowly than the other in a group, so they get ahead of you 2. [someone or something falls behind] someone or something does not achieve the standard that is expected of them or that is achieved by similar people or things 3. fail to do something that you have to do by a certain time and gradually get later and later with it

8 fall + down 1. [someone or something falls down] someone or something have been in an upright or standing position become unbalanced and drop to the ground 2. a building or bridge collapses and breaks into pieces because it is old, weak, or damaged 3. [a building is falling down] a building is in very bad condition and may collapse 4. an argument, idea, or method has a weakness in it which is likely to make it fail

9 fall + for 1. [someone falls for someone or something] being attracted towards someone or something and like them very much 2. [fall for something that is not true] being tricked into believing something that is not true

10 fall + in 1. a roof or ceiling collapses and falls to the ground 2. soldiers, scouts, or other people in a procession get into a line one behind the other

11 fall + into 1. [something or someone falls into a particular state] begin to be in a particular state 2. start to do an activity or way of behaving, often without intending to 3. something is classified as belonging to a particular group or category 4. start having a conversation or a discussion with someone, usually you have just met

12 fall + in + with 1. accept an existing idea, plan or system and do not try to change it 2. [someone falls in with someone] meet someone by chance and often become friends with them

13 fall + off 1. [something falls off] something separates from the thing to which it was attached 2. the degree, amount, or standard of something becomes less or lower

14 fall + on 1. a responsibility or duty becomes someone’s 2. something unpleasant happens to someone 3. [someone falls on you] someone hug you eagerly because they are very happy or excited 4. eagerly seize something when it arrives or appears or welcome it 5. someone attack you suddenly or violently 6. you see or notice someone or something 7. a date occurs on a certain day of the week

15 fall + out 1. something leaves the container and drops towards the ground 2. something such as hair or a tooth becomes loose and separates from your body 3. [fall out with someone] have an argument and are no longer friendly with someone 4. soldiers or people in a parade or formation leave their positions and the formation is broken up

16 fall + over 1. someone or something that is standing become unbalanced and end up lying on the ground 2. [falling over oneself] being very eager to do something

17 fall + through  something goes wrong before an arrangement or plan can be completed and it has to be abandoned

18 fall + to 1. a responsibility or duty becomes someone’s 2. [someone falls to doing something] start doing something

19 fall + under  something belongs in a particular category

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