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DC Area Snipers  malvo malvo. John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo  19 Sniper Attacks  13 Deaths.

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Presentation on theme: "DC Area Snipers  malvo malvo. John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo  19 Sniper Attacks  13 Deaths."— Presentation transcript:

1 DC Area Snipers  malvo malvo

2 John Allen Muhammad and John Lee Malvo  19 Sniper Attacks  13 Deaths

3 Muhammed  41 Years Old  Gulf war Veteran  Twice Divorced  Islam Convert

4 Malvo  Mother Abandoned Malvo to Muhammed

5 When Do Serial Killers Stop Killing?

6 Only When They are Caught or Killed

7 There are at least 50 Serial Killers Active in the United States Today

8 This Lecture Section Will Explore

9 Psychology and Criminality

10 Psychoanalytic Theory I was Guilty Even before I committed the crime.

11 Psychoanalysis  The Actions and Behavior of an Adult are Understood in Terms of Childhood Development  Behavior and Unconscious are Related  Criminality is Psychological Conflict

12 Psychodynamic Perspective Something that Happened in the Past Affected the Way a Person is Today

13 Psychodynamic Perspective Looking Deep Into the Mind of the Criminal will Unlock why a Person Commits Criminal Acts

14 Psychoanalytic Theory: Criminal Behavior comes From 3 Possible Causes:  Overbearing Conscience  Weak Conscience  Immediate Gratification

15 Overbearing Conscience  A Conscience so Overbearing it Arouses Feelings of Guilt

16 Weak Conscience A Conscience so Weak it Cannot Control its Impulses

17 Immediate Gratification  Immediate Satisfaction of the Impulses of a Person

18 Case Study: Richard  6 Years old When He Committed his First delinquent Act  Stole a Comic Book

19 Richards Parents  Father, an alcoholic  Killed in an Automobile Accident  Mother Abandoned her Children

20 Richard  In and out of Foster Homes  Daytime Burglaries  Night Time Auto Thefts  At 20 Years Old, Received 10 years for Armed Robbery

21 Richard  Being Caught for Stealing made him feel less Guilty  About Hating his Mother and Father  Stealing did not Violate his Principles  Stealing Gave Richard Immediate Gratification

22 Text Page 153 Figure 6.2 Psychodynamic or Psychoanalytic Theory

23 Viennese Psychiatrist Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)  Abnormal Behavior comes from Interruptions in a Person’s Development  The Period of Interruption is a Fixation

24 Psychodynamic Theory  Unconscious Conflicts  Defenses  Tendencies  Anger  Sexuality

25 The id, ego and superego Human Personality Contains a Three Part Structure

26 The id  The Primitive Part  Seat of all Irrational, Antisocial and Instinctual Behavior

27 The ego  The Conscious or Rational Part of the Mind: Reality Principle  The ego develops when a child finds that some things cannot be immediately gratified

28 The superego  The Moral Judgment of the mind  Passes judgments on behavior  Divided into two parts:  Conscience  Ego Ideal

29 Psychosexual Stages of Development : eros  Oral Stage  First Year of Life  Anal Stage  Second and Third Year  Genital Stage  Third year to Latency  Latency  Sixth Year to Puberty  Genital  Puberty to Adult

30 Fixation Interrupted or Incomplete Development at any Stage

31 Complexes  Oedipus Complex  Males with Sexual Feelings for Mothers  Electra complex  The Female Version

32 Abnormal Behavior  Neurotics  Psychotics  Schizophrenics  Inferiority Complex  Identity Crisis

33 Neurotics  I am Losing control of my Mind  IF DOMINATED COMPLETELY BY id: Psychotics  Add Hallucinations, voices and odors: Schizophrenia: MARKED BY INAPPROPRIATE RESPONSES

34 Inferiority Complexes  Appear to Have a Drive to Superiority  Adler(1870-1937)

35 Treatment of Mentally Defective Criminals  They are not Evil and Sick Persons  They are not Responsible for their Actions  Punishment will only Complicate Treatment  Why Not Just Release Criminals?

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