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Chapter 6 Knee. Knee Joint Distal Femur Proximal Tib/Fib Patella.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6 Knee. Knee Joint Distal Femur Proximal Tib/Fib Patella."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6 Knee

2 Knee Joint Distal Femur Proximal Tib/Fib Patella

3 Base ___________ Apex ___________

4 Knee Ligaments Lateral Collateral Ligament (LCL) Medial Collateral Ligament (MCL) Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) Patellar Ligament (Tendon)

5 Knee Joint Articular Capsule __________ Diarthrodial Bursa ___________ Prepatellar Infrapatellar

6 Menisci Fibrocartilage Disks Between __________ Lateral Medial

7 Imaging the Knee AP Lateral Medial (Internal) Oblique Lateral (External) Oblique Tunnel 40” SID 65 kV

8 AP Knee Supine Leg extended Rotate _______to align femoral ___________to IR May need a tube angle CR parallel to __________ CR ½” distal to patella apex Collimate to skin

9 Lateral Knee Position for mediolateral projection Flex knee _______ Epicondyles _________ to IR _______ cephalad tube angle CR 1” distal to medial epicondyle

10 Medial (Internal) Oblique Start in AP Rotate leg _____________ CR ½” distal to patella apex Shows: _________in profile Opening of ________tibiofibular joint

11 Lateral (External) Oblique Start in AP Rotate leg _________ CR ½” distal to patella apex Shows: _________in profile

12 Tunnel View Many ways Bottom line: Flex the knee ________ CR perpendicular to Tib/Fib ½” distal to patella apex

13 Imaging the Patella PA Lateral Axial (Sunrise) 40”SID 60 kV

14 PA Patella Prone Leg extended Rotate _________ Align __________to IR CR to mid patella Collimate to skin

15 Lateral Patella Position for mediolateral projection Flex knee ______ CR to mid-femoropatellar joint Collimate to patella

16 Axial (Sunrise) Many ways Bottom line: Flex knee CR angled through femoropatellar joint space

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