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Good Evening St Nicolas’ CE School KS1 SATs Information Evening 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Good Evening St Nicolas’ CE School KS1 SATs Information Evening 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Good Evening St Nicolas’ CE School KS1 SATs Information Evening 2013

2 We aim to answer What are the SATs? What happens in class? How can you help? How do we report to you?

3 Introduction The end of key stage 1 assessment process recognises that a teacher’s knowledge of a child’s attainment, built up over time, from a range of sources, and the test and task outcomes, will together provide a sound and reliable judgement of attainment.

4 Teacher assessment in key stage 1 During year 2, as children approach the end of the key stage, teachers will need to arrive at a final teacher assessment for each child. This has been achieved by building up a picture of what each child can do through everyday teaching and learning. The ways in which we do this are: Continuous teacher assessment throughout the year Making use of Assessing Pupil’s Progress resources (APP) to help standardise teacher assessment In school moderation to agree standards Using tasks or tests in reading, writing and mathematics to support an overall picture of achievement Make an end of key stage level judgement based upon the continuous assessment throughout the year and the outcome of tasks and tests Participation in County moderation processes to ensure consistent standards Recording an end of key stage teacher assessment for each child and sharing this with parents and year 3 teachers.

5 Administration of tests/tasks The tasks will be incorporated into normal classroom procedures Tasks do not require the use of extra staff beyond those normally available in the classroom Not all children will experience the same tasks. We will use our own judgement and knowledge of the tasks available to match your child’s ability to the appropriate task

6 Teacher assessments The Teacher assessment will be based on the work that children have done through-out the year We will take into account written, practical and oral work, It will be based on day-to-day assessments Only teacher assessments will be reported. The tests/task results will be used to inform our teacher assessments If the teacher assessments and test results differ, the teacher assessments will be reported

7 Using task and test information with teacher assessment The task and test results can be used to: Confirm teacher assessment Contribute to teacher assessment Help diagnostically inform teaching and make teachers aware of a child’s strengths and areas for development to help inform future learning

8 Reporting to parents ReadingW, 1, 2C, 2B, 2A, 3 Writing W, 1, 2C, 2B, 2A, 3 Maths W, 1, 2C, 2B, 2A, 3 Speaking and listening W, 1, 2, 3

9 Literacy The writing task comprises of two pieces of writing, one longer, one shorter. The task covers contrasting writing styles The text types are specified. Tasks will be administered only once to each child. There is a mark scheme which indicates a level.

10 Literacy The reading task comprises of a choice of book, chosen from a specified list. The introductory discussion reveals the child’s understanding about books. The reading aloud gives direct evidence of the child’s independence and ability to make sense of text.

11 Literacy The reading comprehension tests comprises of two passages of writing, fiction and non fiction, followed by comprehension questions. A spelling test

12 Mathematics The mathematics test comprises of a choice of booklets of questions and answers to assess levels 2 and 3. Level 1 is assessed through a series of mathematical tasks. The children are assessed on the following: Number and calculation Shape, space and measures Interpreting data Problem solving

13 How you can help You do not have to buy and work through KS1 SATs revision booklets with your child Continue to support your child to enjoy reading Offer your child opportunities to write for fun, e.g. shopping lists, thank you cards, post cards, stories Make maths fun – lots of practical activities e.g. shopping, counting money boxes, weighing, creating patterns, practising tables, real life problem solving

14 How you can help Don’t build the SATs up into something frightening Maintain usual routines Don’t question your child on every question and their answers Reassure your child that school will not be suddenly changing in May Don’t worry yourselves – you cannot suddenly change the SATs achievement reported to you as the assessments are based on continuous assessment throughout the year

15 And finally The final level your child will be given will reflect the level your child is working within and not what they have achieved in a one off test.

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