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This is a mixed design one part 1)Drug uses the old independent measures method – between conditions with within conditions as error term The other part.

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Presentation on theme: "This is a mixed design one part 1)Drug uses the old independent measures method – between conditions with within conditions as error term The other part."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is a mixed design one part 1)Drug uses the old independent measures method – between conditions with within conditions as error term The other part is 2) Question (forced choice v free response) is repeated measures – find within subjects then subtract between conditions and interaction to get error (SSsubject x condition) Sub Forced Choice Free RespDrug 113 8 Ritalin 26 8 312 Ritalin 411 13 Ritalin 511 8 Adderall 66 12 Adderall 7128Adderall 81415Adderall 982Caffeine 1096Caffeine 11136Caffeine 12107Caffeine 13102Control 1436Control 15146Control 1689Control Question

2 Sub Forced Choice Free RespDrug 113 8 Ritalin 26 8 312 Ritalin 411 13 Ritalin 511 8 Adderall 66 12 Adderall 7128Adderall 81415Adderall 982Caffeine 1096Caffeine 11136Caffeine 12107Caffeine 13102Control 1436Control 15146Control 1689Control Part 1 – Independent measures - Drug 8.5 10 4.5 6 8.5 9.5 7.5 5 14.5 10 9 9.5 12 7 10.5 Subj Means Collapse subject (mean) over Question Now mean within drug (within Ritalin, etc..) Then (Subj Mean – Mean (Ritalin) Drug) 2 Sum Multiply times number Levels_Question - 2 Or number of x’s within the Subj Mean (in red) 10.375 Mean Ritalin df = # of subj means (blue) with Ritalin Mean – 1 (3) X number of drug groups (4) = 12 SSwithin_drug Sub1 Mean 10.5 - 10.375 Mean Ritalin

3 Sub Forced Choice Free RespDrug 113 8 Ritalin 26 8 312 Ritalin 411 13 Ritalin 511 8 Adderall 66 12 Adderall 7128Adderall 81415Adderall 982Caffeine 1096Caffeine 11136Caffeine 12107Caffeine 13102Control 1436Control 15146Control 1689Control Part 1 – Independent measures - Drug 8.5 10 4.5 6 8.5 9.5 7.5 5 14.5 10 9 9.5 12 7 10.5 Subj Means 1)Collapse subject (mean) over Question 2)Now mean within Drug type (within Ritalin, etc..) 3)Then (Mean (Ritalin) Drug – Grand Mean) 2 Then (Mean (Adderall) Drug – Grand Mean) 2 4)Sum 5)Multiply times number Levels_Question (2) X number of Subj Means within Mean (Ritalin) Drug (4)=8 Or number of x’s within Subj Mean (in red) times (2) x’s within Mean (Ritalin) Drug (in blue) (4) = 8 10.375 Mean Ritalin df = number of drug groups (4) – 1 = 3 SSbetween_drug 9 Grand Mean _

4 DRUGSS df MS F between79.25326.4162.4244 within/error130.71210.895 Between is of interest Within is the error term

5 Part 2 – Repeated measures - Question Within_subjects Is made up of Between_groupsInteractionError Term

6 Control9816 Control61415 Control6314 Control21013 Caffeine71012 Caffeine61311 Caffeine6910 Caffeine289 Adderall15148 Adderall8127 Adderall 12 66 Adderall 8 115 Ritalin 13 114 Ritalin 12 3 Ritalin 8 62 8 131 Drug Free Resp Forced ChoiceSub SSwithin_subjects - Question 10.5 Mean Sub 1 2.5 X - mean Sub 1 -2.5 X - mean Sub 1 1)Mean within Sub 2)Subtract each x from Mean Sub 3)Square each 4)Sum all 6.25 Squared 6.25 Squared Sum df = Number of Levels of Question (1) – 1 X Number of Subjects (16) = (16)

7 Control9816 Control61415 Control6314 Control21013 Caffeine71012 Caffeine61311 Caffeine6910 Caffeine289 Adderall15148 Adderall8127 Adderall 12 66 Adderall 8 115 Ritalin 13 114 Ritalin 12 3 Ritalin 8 62 8 131 Drug Free Resp Forced ChoiceSub SSbetween_condition Question 10 Mean Forced Choice 1)Mean within Question 2)Subtract each Mean Question from Grand Mean 3)Square each 4)Sum 5)Multiply times number of x’s within each mean (16) 1 Squared 1 Sum 8 Mean Free Resp 9 Grand Mean 1 Mean Forced Choice Minus Grand Mean Mean Free Resp Minus Grand Mean df = two levels of the factor – 1 = 1

8 Control9816 Control61415 Control6314 Control21013 Caffeine71012 Caffeine61311 Caffeine6910 Caffeine289 Adderall15148 Adderall8127 Adderall 12 66 Adderall 8 115 Ritalin 13 114 Ritalin 12 3 Ritalin 8 62 8 131 Drug Free Resp Forced ChoiceSub SSdrug x question = SSdrug_question – SSdrug - SSquestion 10.5 Forced Choice Drug Type Mean 10.25 Free Resp Drug Type Mean 9 Grand Mean 1.5 Forced Choice Drug Type Mean- Grand Mean 1.25 Forced Choice Drug Type Mean- Grand Mean 1)Take mean of within each Question (Forced Choice) and within each Drug type (Ritalin) 2)Subtract each mean from Grand Mean 3)Square and sum 4)Multiply times the number of x’s into each mean (4) That equals SSsub_drug SSdrug_x_question = SSsub_drug – SSdrug – SSquestion You already have SSdrug from SSbetween_drug, and SSquestion from SSbetween_question df = Number of Levels of Question (2) – 1 = 1 Need to find SSdrug_question first

9 Now you need to figure out MSerror, which is MSerror = SSwithin_sub – SSbetween_question – SSquestion_x_drug Since you have all these you just subtract them Since Within_subjects Is made up of Between_groupsInteractionError Term df of Between_groups, interaction and error term should add up to equal within_subjects So df_error = df_within – df_between_groups - interaction

10 DRUGSS df MS F between79.25326.4162.4244 within/error130.71210.895 Between is of interest Within is the error term QUESTION WithinSub1681610.5 BetweenQ321 3.65714 DXQ31310.331.1809 Error105128.75 Error for both Between_question and interaction

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