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CHR Operational Semantics in Fluent Calculus (using Ramifications) November, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "CHR Operational Semantics in Fluent Calculus (using Ramifications) November, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHR Operational Semantics in Fluent Calculus (using Ramifications) November, 2007

2 Simple Fluent Calculus (SFC)

3 Introduction A many-sorted first-order language with equality Includes: –Sorts: FLUENT < STATE, ACTION, SIT –Functions: –Predicate

4 Abbreviations

5 Foundational Axioms (F state )

6 SFC Domain Axiomatization State Constraints Unique simple Action Precondition Axiom for each function symbol with range ACTION A set of State Update Axioms Foundational Axioms (F state ) Possibly further domain-specific axioms

7 Action Precondition Axiom Ex:

8 State Update Axiom Ex:

9 Ramifications in Fluent Calculus

10 Modeling Ramifications

11 Fluent Calculus with Ramifications Sorted second-order logic language Reserved Predicates: –Causes : STATE x STATE x STATE x STATE x STATE x STATE Causes(z1, e1+, e1-, z2, e2+, e2-) –If z1 is the result of positive effects e1+ and negative effects e1-, then an additional effect is caused which leads to z2 (now the result of positive and negative effects e2+ and e2-, resp.) –Ramify : STATE x STATE x STATE x STATE Ramify(z, e+, e-, z’) –z’ can be reached by iterated application of the underlying casual relation, starting in state z with momentum e+ and e-

12 Abbreviations

13 Foundational Axioms (Reflexive and Transitive Closure of Causes)

14 State Update Axiom with Ramifications

15 Causal Relations Axiomatization Relies on the assumption that the underlying Causes relation is completely specified

16 Fluent Calculus Domain Axiomatization with Ramifications State constraints Causal Relations axiomatization Unique action precondition axiom for each function symbol with range ACTION Set of state update axioms (possibly with ramifications) Foundational Axioms: Fstate and Framify Domain Specific Axioms

17 CHR Operational Semantics in Fluent Calculus


19 Domain Predicates entails : STATE x Set(EQUATION) x Set(BIC) –entails(s, h, g) –CT |= s  \exists x(h ^ g)

20 Domain Actions AddConstraint : CONSTRAINT  ACTION

21 Example leq(X,X) true. leq(X,Y), leq(Y,X) X = Y. leq(X,Y), leq(Y,Z) ==> leq(X,Z).

22 Example leq(X,X) true. leq(X,Y), leq(Y,Z) ==> leq(X,Z).

23 Example leq(X,Y), leq(Y,Z) ==> leq(X,Z).

24 Example (Constraint Awakening)

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