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Ted Cruz wins; Clinton declares victory. Hillary Clinton declared victory early Tuesday morning in a razor-thin contest against Bernie Sanders in the.

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1 Ted Cruz wins; Clinton declares victory

2 Hillary Clinton declared victory early Tuesday morning in a razor-thin contest against Bernie Sanders in the Iowa caucus held on February 1. But Democratic party officials have not yet declared a winner. Clinton and Sanders are deadlocked at 50% with 99% of the votes counted (with what seems to be a slight edge toward the Clinton side). Republican Ted Cruz bested Donald Trump while Marco Rubio had a stronger-than-expected showing. With about 99% of the GOP vote in, Cruz was ahead of Trump 28% to 24%. Rubio was at 23%. The next states on the primary list are New Hampshire and South Carolina.

3 In Other News New research published Feb.1 suggests that long-term marijuana can potentially do permanent damage to your short-term memory. They found that people who smoke pot have poor verbal memory by the time they reach middle age.

4 Happy Groundhog Day It's officially Groundhog Day and if Punxsutawney Phil (according to the tradition) sees his shadow and returns to his hole, he has predicted six more weeks of winter-like weather. If Phil does not see his shadow, he has predicted an "early spring.“ And for his 130 th prediction… Punxsutawney Phil saw NO SHADOW when he emerged from his Pennsylvania home this morning, meaning early spring like weather is predicted.

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