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Academic Senate Welcome Back!. Academic Senate Thank You’s Academic Senate Flex Scheduling Committee Laura Loop, Heather Faust, Laurie Buchholz, LaRon.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Senate Welcome Back!. Academic Senate Thank You’s Academic Senate Flex Scheduling Committee Laura Loop, Heather Faust, Laurie Buchholz, LaRon."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Senate Welcome Back!

2 Academic Senate Thank You’s Academic Senate Flex Scheduling Committee Laura Loop, Heather Faust, Laurie Buchholz, LaRon Johnson A person I’ve never heard publicly thanked… Laura Worley, print shop Staff Development Committee Susan Osorio, Susan Villa, Alexis Copeland, Bill Easton Keynote and Breakout Facilitators Rich Kezirian and too many others to mention

3 Basic Skills Summer Activities Academic Senate

4 Basic Skills Summer Activities BSI summer institute, several faculty attended Kathleen Rozman, Karen Engelsen, Merry Dennehy, Andrew Washburn 70 colleges represented, ~300 faculty members Focused on equipping adjunct faculty with resources and strategies they teach 60-75% of basic skills/developmental classes at CCCs Identifying students with basic skill needs Student services and basic skills Effective practices in different subject areas Integration of instruction and support services SLOs and their assessment Spring ’09 flex days will have a Basic Skills theme Academic Senate

5 Today’s Activities Keynote Address – Rich Kezirian “Untimely Thoughts on the Study of History” Morning Breakouts Follow-up to Rich’s Keynote—LF 103 Connect and Communicate—PS 106 Technology: Using Digital Photos in your classroom—LS 104

6 Academic Senate Today’s Activities Lunch—Caroline Page Garden MPCTA and CSEA info Long-term Care planning—LTC 216

7 Academic Senate Today’s Activities Afternoon Breakout 1 GE SLOs, The KISS Plan— Natural Science in PS 106 with Fred Communication and Analytical Thinking in BH 106 with Diane On-line Teaching Panel—Sam Karas Technology: Setting up your class sites— LTC 203-204

8 Academic Senate Today’s Activities Afternoon Breakout 2 Accreditation Planning—Variety of rooms Building a Syllabus—Sam Karas Technology: Setting up your class sites— LTC 203-204

9 Academic Senate The Survey -Will help us plan content of future flex days -Please return by August 27

10 Academic Senate The Survey -Will help us plan the timing of future flex days -Please return by August 27

11 Academic Senate Course SLO Assessment—The Form -Addresses the letter and intent of accreditation standards. -Applies KISS (Keep It Simple, Sweetheart). -Should be completed for each course. -Will provide evidence of evaluation of student learning for our accreditation visit. -More info during the semester. SLO Update


13 Academic Senate Can’t find the MPC Academic Senate Website? Google it!

14 Academic Senate SLO Take-Home Points for Today -Faculty responsibilities include (Academic Senate): -Developing SLOs for courses and programs -Evaluating student attainment of SLOs -Meeting accreditation standards involving student learning -Negotiable items include (Faculty Union): -The relationship between SLOs and teaching evaluations.

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