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David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair, NMSU Sustainability Council Coordinator, Greening the Curriculum Regents Professor NMSU’s School of Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair, NMSU Sustainability Council Coordinator, Greening the Curriculum Regents Professor NMSU’s School of Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 David M. Boje, Ph.D. Chair, NMSU Sustainability Council Coordinator, Greening the Curriculum Regents Professor NMSU’s School of Sustainability

2 Boje’s 1 st principle: Sow and Reap When I met Grace Ann, I did sow a thought… 2

3 Boje’s 2nd Principle of SOS "All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they get.”  from Arthur Wayne Jones, as cited in David P. Hanna (1988: 38; 2001: 19) 3



6 EDUCATION & RESEARCH OF SUSTAINABILITY COUNCIL Education AC 1: Academic Courses AC 2: Learning Outcomes* AC 3: Undergraduate Program* AC 4: Graduate Program* AC 5: Immersive Experience* AC 6: Sustainability Literacy Assessment AC 7: Incentives for Developing Courses AC 8: Campus as a Living Laboratory* ER-1: Student Sustainability Educators Program ER-2: Student Sustainability Outreach Campaign ER-3: Sustainability in New Student Orientation ER-4: Sustainability Outreach and Publications Tier2-1: Student Group Tier2-2: Organic Garden Tier2-3: Model Room in a Residence Hall Tier2-4: Themed Housing Tier2-5: Sustainable Enterprise Tier2-6: Sustainability Events Tier2-7: Outdoors Program Tier2-8: Themed Semester or Year ER-5: Sustainability Course Identification ER-6: Sustainability-Focused Courses ER-7: Sustainability-Related Courses ER-8: Sustainability Courses by Department ER-9: Sustainability Learning Outcomes ER-10: Undergraduate Program in Sustainability ER-11: Graduate Program in Sustainability ER-12: Sustainability Immersive Experience ER-13: Sustainability Literacy Assessment ER-14: Incentives for Dev. Sustainability Courses RESEARCH ER-15: Sustainability Research Identification ER-16: Faculty Involved in Sustainability Research ER-17: Departments Involved in Sustainability Research ER-18: Sustainability Research Incentives ER-19: Interdisciplinary Research in Tenure and Promotion AC 9: Academic Research* AC 10: Support for Research* AC 11: Access to Research*

7 OPERATIONS Purchasing OP 12: Electronics Purchasing OP 13: Cleaning Product Purchasing OP 14: Office Paper Purchasing OP 15: Inclusive and Local Purchasing OP 16: Life Cycle Cost Analysis OP 17: Guidelines for Business Partners Transportation OP 18: Campus Fleet* OP 19: Student Commute Modal Split* OP 20: Employee Commute Modal Split OP 21: Support for Sustainable Transportation Waste OP 22: Waste Minimization OP 23: Waste Diversion OP 24: Construction and Demolition Waste Diversion* OP 25: Hazardous Waste Management Water OP 26: Water Use OP 27: Rainwater Management OP 28: Wastewater Management Air & Climate OP 1: Greenhouse Gas Emissions OP 2: Outdoor Air Quality Buildings OP 3: Building Operations and Maintenance* OP 4: Building Design and Construction* OP 5: Indoor Air Quality Dining Services OP 6: Food and Beverage Purchasing* OP 7: Low Impact Dining* Energy OP 8: Building Energy Consumption OP 9: Clean and Renewable Energy Grounds OP 10: Landscape Management* OP 10: Landscape Management* OP 11: Biodiversity*

8 PAE PLANNING ADMINISTRATION ENGAGEMENT Campus Engagement EN 1: Student Educators Program EN 2: Student Orientation* EN 3: Student Life EN 4: Outreach Materials and Publications EN 5: Outreach Campaign EN 6: Employee Educators Program EN 7: Employee Orientation EN 8: Staff Professional Development Public Engagement EN 9: Community Partnerships EN 10: Inter-Campus Collaboration EN 11: Continuing Education* EN 12: Community Service EN 13: Community Stakeholder Engagement EN 14: Participation in Public Policy EN 15: Trademark Licensing* EN 16: Hospital Network* Coordination, Planning & Governance PA 1: Sustainability Coordination PA 2: Sustainability Planning PA 3: Governance Diversity & Affordability PA 4: Diversity and Equity Coordination PA 5: Assessing Diversity and Equity PA 6: Support for Underrepresented Groups PA 7: Support for Future Faculty Diversity PA 8: Affordability and Access Health, Wellbeing & Work PA 9: Employee Compensation PA 10: Assessing Employee Satisfaction PA 11: Wellness Program PA 12: Workplace Health and Safety Investment PA 13: Committee on Investor Responsibility* PA 14: Sustainable Investment* PA 15: Investment Disclosure* INNOVATION (IN)

9 NMSU HISTORY OF SUSTAINABLITY For entire history  WWRI Water Resources Research Institute SWTDI Southwest Technology Development Institute LTER Long Term Ecological Research · Jornada Basin WERC Waste-management Education and Research Consortium; new name is: A Consortium for Environmental Education and Technology Development SOS SOS

10 NMSU’s approach We use STARS to measure People, Planet, and Profit Sustainability Council is organized around STARS Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™

11 Triple Bottom Line fantasy - 3BL 11

12 SOS 11 BILLION 12

13 CARBON FOOTPRINT of USA Total greenhouse gases produced by human activities = tons of carbon dioxide (CO2). Natural CO2 cycle  CO2 gets re- absorbed by plants and trees 13 SOSSOS

14 FACTS Average USA person’s carbon footprint 20 tons carbon dioxide per year compared 1.1 tons for average person in India 5% of world’s population in the USA create 20% of carbon dioxide emissions & 30% of the world’s resources consumed. SOS SOS 14

15 Definitions 1. Quantum  (noun) Smallest quantity of radiant energy that any system possesses to exist 2. Quanta  Plural of quantum; quanta are waves & particles; matter & non-matter; mass & non-mass; here & there at same time; measurable & non-measurable 3. Quantus  Latin for ‘how much?’ 15 SOSSOS

16 Reaching our Quanta Limit “Beyond a certain median per capita energy level, the political system and cultural context of any society must decay ”  (Ivan Illich, Energy & Equity essay). 16 SOSSOS

17 17 DOOM: POPULATION 11 BILLION In year 2100 REVENGE of GAIA Temperature Trend

18 Which produces more CO2? TRANSPORTATION or COWS 18 SOSSOS

19 Would you Bike to Work? Boje’s Recumbent Trike 19

20 Who consumes more WATER & FOOD? HUMANS or COWS 20 SOSSOS

21 Would you CHANGE your FOOD-PRINT? 21

22 MY POINT Most people are not going to Bike to work or become Vegan, so the C02 will rise But, we can Become RESILENT in what we SOW, and change our Ways 22

23 How to have less of a FOOTPRINT on Earth? 1. Walk and Bike more 2. Change your Diet a little 3. Scale down Energy Use 4. Be SOS – School of Sustainability @ NMSU 23

24 THANK YOU PLEASE JOIN US ON April 22 nd for 3 rd Teaching Academy  ‘RETREAT’ on EARTH DAY SOS SOS Sustainability Council meets first Tuesday 8:30 – 9:30AM in Milton Room 50 http://greening.nmsu.edu has Sustainability Minors for Undergrads and Grads

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