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SPS DAY Aperture History 01/19/2016 Stéphane Cettour Cavé.

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Presentation on theme: "SPS DAY Aperture History 01/19/2016 Stéphane Cettour Cavé."— Presentation transcript:

1 SPS DAY Aperture History 01/19/2016 Stéphane Cettour Cavé

2 Outline  Aperture history  Table to calculate beam size  Aperture restriction found over time

3 Aperture history

4 Table to calculate the beam size faisceauchambre à vide place libre Beta Vdim. (mm)dim. V. (mm)%(mm) input27.324.3 BWSV 41420 *21.221.4 BWSV 4167763.437.0 BWSV 5199527.324.3 QF19.520.538.353.617.8 MBA24.923.234.567.211.3 MBA37.928.634.582.95.9 MBB56.634.948.572.013.6 MBB80.841.748.586.16.8 QD108.648.483.058.334.6 Damper46.631.738.083.46.3 ZS north 125.323.446.050.822.6 ZS north 232.326.446.057.419.6 ZS north 341.229.846.064.816.2 ZS north 452.133.546.072.912.5 ZS north 564.937.446.081.38.6 Beam dump81.642.0 99.90.0 test

5 Aperture restriction found over time Vertical Beam size measured since 1995 YearsSize WS51995Actions 199515.1mmScraper BBSR 11958 out 199618mmReplacement of the MBA2137 (Hot spot) 199720.2mmBeam dump alignment & magnet alignment 1998 19mmReplacement of two ZS of North extraction with an aperture restriction which came from the plates of the ion traps 1999 20.2mmAlignment check 2.19 à 2.20 Alignment check between 2.35 et 2.36 we found a hot spot in MBA 23570 2008We found inside dipole 30950 a part of a ball bearing Beam based alignment 2009 18.7mmWe found the beam crashed inside a dipole 62130 Search aperture restriction in 217, 218 Beam based alignment 2010 19mmReplacement dipole 62130 Search aperture restriction in 217, 218 Beam based alignment 2011 19mm 2012 19mmSearch aperture restriction in 217, 218 Beam based alignment

6 Aperture restriction found over time Vertical Beam size measured since 1995 YearsSize WS51995Actions 2013We found a misalignment on TCE 21695 and its vacuum chamber deformed with a beam crash, we replaced TCE We changed the TPST in LSS2 We correct the vertical plane in sextant 6, dog leg re-alignment, uninstalled all LSS1 for the cabling campaign 2014 16mmBeam based alignment to favour Q20 optics 201518mmOptimisation with bumps 2016???We found a misalignment on BIPMH 51634 We found a magnet with beam crash in 10130 (replaced) Removed kick on QD215, QD217, QD311, QD313, QD317, QD619, QD623, QD627 Alignment of all quadrupoles in the machine

7 Bal bearing inside dipole 30950 Hot spot measured in 2007 around 309 The part was extracted with the endoscopy

8 Beam crash inside dipole 62130 Hot spot measured in 2008 Magnet removed

9 TCE 21695 Position in BA2

10 Measurment of the alignment TCE 21695 TCE 21695 E:3.6mm TCE 21695 S:3.4mm

11 Vertical plane correction in LS1

12 Beam crash in 10130

13 Survey RP sextant 5 Location 1Location 2Location 3 Location 4 Location 5 PointLocation Reading [1/100mm]Height [m]dh[m] 1Chamber DS from VVSB5163143385402.200290.00228 2mm too high (corresponding to bellow offset with removed shim on pumping port) 2Chamber US from MDHW 5163343995402.19419-0.00382 3Chamber US from BIPMH5163443859402.19555-0.00246 Also too low ( can not be explained with results from BIPMH jig) 4Chamber DS from BIPMH5163443880402.19534-0.00267 Also too low ( can not be explained with results from BIPMH jig) 5Chamber DS from MDHW51637 (hot spot)44095402.19319-0.00482Offset confirming aperture restriction in vertical direction 6Chamber between Dipole 51570 and 5159043585402.198290.00028Quite close to nominal 51610 E3118402.708010Reference Theo from DB 51610 S3130402.70789-0.00012

14 Thanks for your attention

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