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Experience Implementing PORTAL: Portland Transportation Archive Listing Robert L. Bertini Steven Hansen Andy Rodriguez Portland State University Traffic.

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Presentation on theme: "Experience Implementing PORTAL: Portland Transportation Archive Listing Robert L. Bertini Steven Hansen Andy Rodriguez Portland State University Traffic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Experience Implementing PORTAL: Portland Transportation Archive Listing Robert L. Bertini Steven Hansen Andy Rodriguez Portland State University Traffic Monitoring Peer Exchange Portland, Oregon February 16, 2005

2 2 Outline  Archived Data User Service (ADUS)  PORTAL (the Portland Transportation Archive Listing)  Describe Architecture  Describe Database Processing and Storage  PORTAL Applications  Next Steps

3 3 Introduction Guiding Principles “Data are too valuable to only use once.” “ Management of the transportation system cannot be done without knowledge of its performance.”

4 4 Archived Data User Service (ADUS) ITS Architecture 1999  USDOT Vision for ADUS: “Improve transportation decisions through the archiving and sharing of ITS generated data.”  Principles of ADUS to Achieve Vision  All ITS deployments should consider data archiving  Archive data to maximize integration with other data sources and systems  Archive data in a way that eases retrieval for those with access  Provide information that is integral to transportation practice

5 5 Portland Transportation Archive Listing (PORTAL) PSU Designated as Regional Archive Center  Through regional cooperation, Portland State University is the regional center for collecting, coordinating and disseminating variable sources of transportation data and derived performance measures.

6 6 PORTAL Architecture Regional ITS Data Sources  77 CCTV Cameras  18 Variable Message Signs (VMS)  436 Inductive Loop Detectors  118 Ramp Meters  Weather data stations  TriMet Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System and Bus Dispatch System (BDS)  Extensive Fiber Optics Network

7 7 PORTAL Architecture Data Flows

8 8 PORTAL Architecture Database and Web Servers  Database Back End  SQL relational database  200 MB per day of raw data  75 GB per year  High capacity disk array  5 MB compressed for download  Off-site backup server  Daily backups  Uninterruptible power  Web-based interface  Easily accessible  User-friendly  PHP language


10 Applications Regional Peak Period Speed Map

11 Applications Congestion Frequency Charts Time of day Percent of time congestion occurs Congestion frequency on I-5 South at Barbur Boulevard

12 12 Next Steps Expanding Archive Functionality  Data from:  TriMet  Washington State DOT  City of Portland  ODOT WIM Data  Additional processing tools and performance measures

13 Acknowledgments  National Science Foundation  Oregon Department of Transportation  Dennis Mitchell  Jack Marchant  Bill Kloos  City of Portland  TriMet  Portland State University  Oregon Engineering and Technology Industry Council

14 14 Acknowledgments  Faculty  Dr. Robert L. Bertinti  Associate Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering and Urban Studies & Planning  Director, Center for Transportation Studies  Staff  Andy Delcambre  Spicer Matthews  Andrew Byrd  Andy Rodriguez  B.S., Computer Science, Portland State University  Steve Hansen  Master of Urban and Regional Planning Student, School of Urban Studies & Planning, Portland State University B.S., Operations Research and Industrial Engineering, Cornell University

15 15 Feedback Your Opinions and Suggestions Please let us know what you think about existing or future:  Data sources  Performance measures  Data visualizations and summaries Contact us: Sign up for an account!

16 16 Data Analysis and Visualization Homepage

17 17 Data Analysis and Visualization Contour Plots: Speed

18 18 Data Analysis and Visualization Time Series Plots: Volume

19 19 Data Analysis and Visualization Grouped Data Plots: Speed

20 20 Monthly Reports

21 21 Data Fidelity

22 22 Weather

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