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Research 101. Research ISResearch IS NOT Copy and pasting material from Wikipedia, bing,, or anything else Passing off someone else’s words as.

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Presentation on theme: "Research 101. Research ISResearch IS NOT Copy and pasting material from Wikipedia, bing,, or anything else Passing off someone else’s words as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Research 101

2 Research ISResearch IS NOT Copy and pasting material from Wikipedia, bing,, or anything else Passing off someone else’s words as your own Super easy, but it’s not that hard either…you just have to know where to begin. Using information to support YOUR answer to a question Relying on primary and secondary sources for additional information Searching through multiple sources to gather information

3 1. WHAT are you doing? You have a topic Is it too broad? Meaning, is there going to be TONS of information? Is it too narrow? Meaning, are you going to find enough information? You need to search for the information Is it reliable? Is it correct? Does it work? What do I do with the information after I find it? Paraphrase or quote? Organization Cause and effect, 5 Ws

4 Topic-What is the purpose of your project? What is the “story” you want to tell? Is there a question you want answered? BROAD World War II The Holocaust The Enlightenment Narrow Causes of World War II The journey of a survivor The ideas of John Locke

5 Print and Digital Text Print-books, magazines… Primary or secondary Encyclopedia Textbooks Newspapers Websites, which can also contain 

6 steps-to-better-web-research



9 Gathering Information—Put it down on paper! Notecards work well because they’re easy to rearrange, sort. Keep a notebook just for research-legal pad, composition notebook Paraphrase most of your information; quote the super important material Write your source, title and author or website, with the information as you write it down. Makes life easier when you are citing your sources later.

10 I have my information, now what do I do? Organize based on how you are presenting the information Rough draft Create a bibliography, and be sure to have citations within you paper Final copy, compare to rubric

11 Do Now…. Choose a topic or question Find a reliable resource Write 2-3 sentences about how this site helps answer your question. 1 sentence should be why you consider this a reliable source Use to cite your source in MLA format Turn in for a grade

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