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CPE432: Computer Design Course Introduction Dr. Gheith Abandah د. غيث علي عبندة.

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Presentation on theme: "CPE432: Computer Design Course Introduction Dr. Gheith Abandah د. غيث علي عبندة."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPE432: Computer Design Course Introduction Dr. Gheith Abandah د. غيث علي عبندة

2 Outline Course Information Textbook and References Course Outline Grading Policies Important Dates 2

3 Course Information Instructor: Dr. Gheith Abandah Email: Office: CPE 406 Home page: Facebook group: 525/ Prerequisites:CPE 335: Computer Organization Office hours – Sun & Tue 10-11 – Mon & Wed 12:30-1:30 3

4 Textbook and References Patterson and Hennessy, Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 5th ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2014. References: – Hennessy and Patterson. Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 5th ed., Morgan Kaufmann, 2011. – D. Culler and J.P. Singh with A. Gupta. Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998. – J. Hayes. Computer Architecture and Organization, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1998. Course slides at: 4

5 Course Outline Introduction Computer Technology and Performance (1.5-1.11) Processor: Instruction-Level Parallelism (4.5-4.15) Midterm Exam Memory Hierarchy (5.1-5.16) Parallel Processors (6.1-6.14) Final Exam 5

6 Grading Midterm Exam 30% Term Project20% – Quiz 1 – Quiz 2 Final Exam 50% 6

7 Policies Attendance is required All submitted work must be yours Cheating will not be tolerated Open-book exams Join the facebook group Check department announcements at: Engineering-Department/369639656466107 Engineering-Department/369639656466107 7

8 Important Dates Sun 22 Jun, 2014Classes Begin Thu 3 Jul, 2014Quiz 1 Thu 17 Jul, 2014Midterm Exam Jul 27-30, 2014Eid Holiday Sun 3 Aug, 2014Quiz 2 Sun 17 Aug, 2014Last Lecture Aug 18-20, 2014Final Exam Period 8

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