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Ideas Help Start a Revolution Chapter 4 Section 2.

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1 Ideas Help Start a Revolution Chapter 4 Section 2

2 I The Colonies Hover between Peace and War In May 1775, colonial leaders organized a 2 nd Continental Congress to talk about their next move

3 A. The Second Continental Congress Delegated included ppl who wanted to fight for independence & those who wanted a peaceful resolution Congress eventually decides: – to name the Boston militia the Continental Army – Name George Washington as their general – Print paper money to pay army – Organize committee to deal with foreign nations John Dams, Robert Morris, Alexander Hamilton, & Thomas Jefferson

4 B. Battle of Bunker Hill British send redcoats to Breads Hill were militiamen were stationed – Redcoats= British soldiers names for their bright red uniform coats Redoacts march up hill an attack – Patrios held off 2 attacks until the 3 rd was usccessful Bloodiest battle of the war

5 C. Olive Branch Petition Congress was preparing for war but hoping for peace – Most delegates were loyal like most of the colonists Olive branch Petition= message sent to King in hopes to restore peace King rejected petition & declared colonies in rebellion – Allowed a naval blockade on American coast

6 III The Patriots Declare Independence Most ppl did not agree with the GB but still remained loyal – This began to change after the Olive branch petition

7 A. Common Sense Essay written under the pseudonym Thomas Paine – Declared it was time for colonies to declare an independent republic – This would allow America to gain allies who were British enemies – Essay is widely read and began to change ppls minds

8 B. Declaring Independence Some colonies begin to declare themselves independent Congress org. committee & TJ chosen to speak on their behalf – TJ writes most of Declaration of Independence based on Enlightenment philosophy of Locke

9 Locke stated ppl have natural right to life, liberty, & property Social Contract= ppl agree to obey gov’t as long as it protects their nat. rights If gov’t become tyrannical, ppl have right and duty to resist it John Locke

10 Jefferson’s points are: 1.Unalienable right to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness o Unalienable= could never be taken away 2.Gov’t gets its power from the ppl 3.Ppl have right to abolish gov’t that would not uphold these rights Under these principles, America declared independence from GB

11 Declaration states that “all men are created equal” – Meant that all FREE CITIZENS were ppl NOT all ppl such as women, Nat. Amer., and Af. Amer. slaves Patriots= supporters of the independence

12 III Americans Choose Sides Americans now faced a choice: INDEPENDENCE or LOYALTY to GB – This divided many ppl including families

13 A. Loyalists & Patriots Loyalists= those who opposed independence and supported the crown – Most were avg. ppl – Remained loyal because they thought GB would win – Thought crown would protect their rights better than colonial gov’ts Patriots gained supporters who saw econ. Opp. In a free America Many ppl remained neutral

14 B. Taking Sides Quakers generally support the patriots but did not fight because it was against their rel. Af. Amer. fought on both sides – GB promised freedom for joining their cause Most Nat. Amer. supported GB – Saw colonists as bigger threat to their land

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