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1. 2 Jeopardy Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 $100100$100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400$400400.

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Presentation on theme: "1. 2 Jeopardy Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 $100100$100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400$400400."— Presentation transcript:

1 1

2 2 Jeopardy Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 $100100$100100$100100$100100$100100 $200200$200200$200200$200200$200200 $300300$300300$300300$300300$300300 $400400$400400$400400$400400$400400 $500500$500500$500500$500500$500500

3 3 Day One 1.It was originally a way of describing all the ways that people can die. 3 What is ICD? Return

4 4 Day One 1.An experiential exercise with families or groups where you use the physical space to represent the family issues and dynamics. 4 What is sculpting? Return

5 5 Day One 1.Something you can see that points to the underlying disease. 5 Return What is a sign?

6 6 Day One 1.The fourth stage in the Family Life Cycle described by Carter & McGoldrick is this 6 What is Families with Adolescents? Return

7 7 Day One 1.It’s characterized by two or more of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, disorganized behaviour and diminished emotional expression, lasting for at least six months with at least one month of severe symptoms. 7 Return What is schizophrenia?

8 8 Day Two The title of the slightly irritating song that Carl played repeatedly that day 8 What is Don ’ t Worry, Be Happy? Return

9 9 Day Two It’s recommended for treating depression, in addition to medication, because it prevents relapse. 9 What is psychotherapy? Return

10 10 Day Two 1.It lasts at least two weeks, there are clear changes in affect, cognition, and neurovegetative functions, there are inter- episode remissions, and bereavement is no longer excluded. 10 What is Major Depressive Disorder? Return

11 11 Day Two The most common mood stabilizer used in the treatment of bipolar disorder 11 What is Lithium Carbonate (or Lithium)? Return

12 12 Day Two It facilitates decentering of thoughts and feelings, and is useful in the treatment of depression. 12 What is mindfulness? Return

13 13 Day Three It is characterized by excessive distress about separation. 13 What is Separation Anxiety Disorder? Return

14 14 Day Three It is the easiest of the anxiety disorders to treat. 14 What is Panic Disorder? Return

15 15 Day Three The goal of PD treatment is to take the ____ out of panic. 15 What is fear? Return

16 16 Day Three High conflict, criticism and over-protection are all examples of this. 16 What is expressed emotion? Return

17 17 Day Three Repetitive behaviours that occur in response to an obsession. 17 What are compulsions? Return What are compulsions? Okay, stop already.

18 18 Day Four The Myers-Briggs is an example of this form of testing. 18 What is personality? Return

19 19 Day Four 1.Pervasive disregard for and violation of the rights of others is a quality of this. 19 What is anti-social personality disorder? Return

20 20 Day Four Pervasive grandiosity, need for admiration and lack of empathy are qualities of this. 20 What is narcissistic personality disorder? Return

21 21 Day Four Mirroring and idealizing are part of his theory of personality. 21 Who is Heinz Kohut? Return

22 22 Day Four Autistic, symbiotic, and separation- individuation are developmental stages described by this person. 22 Who is Margaret Mahler? Return

23 23 Day Five The mortality rate associated with this disease is 12 times higher than the death rate of ALL causes of death for females 15 – 24 years old 23 What is anorexia nervosa? Return

24 24 Day Five 1.Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. 24 What are the stages of change? Return

25 25 Day Five They asked the Province of Ontario for exclusive right to the practice of psychotherapy. 25 What are psychologists? Return

26 26 Day Five 1.They exist to support their members, not to protect the public. 26 What is a professional association? Return

27 27 Day Five An amazing, courageous man who was our guest today. 27 Who is Dan? Return

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