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 Israel is called the Holy Land because it is the home of the three major religions. (There most sacred sites)  Judaism: West Wall  Christianity: Site.

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Presentation on theme: " Israel is called the Holy Land because it is the home of the three major religions. (There most sacred sites)  Judaism: West Wall  Christianity: Site."— Presentation transcript:


2  Israel is called the Holy Land because it is the home of the three major religions. (There most sacred sites)  Judaism: West Wall  Christianity: Site of Jesus's crucifixion  Islam: Dome of the Rock


4  Israel was established about 3,000 years ago.  After being conquered several times over the centuries in 60 BC Rome controlled the region.  After several up risings the Romans forced many of the Jewish people to scatter. “Diaspora”

5  Modern day Israel was created in 1947.  It was created out of the nation of Palestine.


7  They have a parliamentary government.  There are several major parties that are within the country.  At 18, men and women most serve one year in the military.  There economy is modern and diverse.  High-tech equipment, diamond cutting, and tourism.

8  Israel’s population comes from all over the world.  80% of Israel’s population is Jewish.  The other 20% is made up of mostly Arabs  Palestinian

9  In 1967 after the “Six Day War”, Israel captured Gaze, and the West Bank.  Palestinian and Israeli problems have occurred since the creation of Israel in 1947.  Terrorist attacks, and mistrust have lead to high tensions between the two groups.


11  E  After watching that video, what do you think about the situation?  RY

12  1) What are some things that Israel could do to help bring about peace within their country?  2) Gaza and the West Bank are the only two Palestinian controlled areas. Would it be possible to connect the two regions, yes or no explain?  3) Why do you think that the U.S. is a strong supporter of Israel, and why do we give them so much aid?

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