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XML DOM  XML Document Object Model provides a robust international standard for XML Documents.  DOM Level 1 is a Dec 11, 1998 W3C recommendation.  XML.

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Presentation on theme: "XML DOM  XML Document Object Model provides a robust international standard for XML Documents.  DOM Level 1 is a Dec 11, 1998 W3C recommendation.  XML."— Presentation transcript:

1 XML DOM  XML Document Object Model provides a robust international standard for XML Documents.  DOM Level 1 is a Dec 11, 1998 W3C recommendation.  XML 1 recommendation is Feb 1998.  XML Namespaces, Jan 99.  At least 4 different schema proposals.

2 XML DOM Support  XML DOM client support is provided in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.  XML DOM is also supported in java. Http://  XML DOM is in development for Mozilla.  Office 2000 includes extensions for web publishing that use XML.

3 XMLDOMDocument

4 XMLDOMNodes  XMLDOMNode is _the_ principal object within the DOM  Extends core XML DOM node interface supporting data types, namespaces, DTDs, and schemas.  XMLDOMDocuments are XMLDOMNodes.  XMLDOMDocuments are composed of XMLDOMNodes

5 XMLDOMNode Properties  Tag - name by which it can be accessed.  Value - contents.  Data Type - how to interpret the data.  Attributes - allow the nodes to be “marked up”.

6 XMLDOMNode Types  Node Types  Elements - Most common objects in XML DOM.  Attributes - Markup elements. Not element children. “Associated”.  Text - Simple text node.  Document - An entire document.  Comment - Ignored by parser.

7 More XMLDOMNode Types  Document Fragment - Not part of document until added or inserted.  Document Type - DTDs and Schemas.  CDATA - Escape text whose markups are not processed.  Entity, EntityReference - Used to describe data in DTD and schemas.  Processing Instruction - Special instructions for XML Applications.

8 XMLDOMNodeList  Collection that allows all the child nodes of a node to be accessed.  Accessed as an array or an ordered list.  Dynamic list

9 XMLDOMNamedNodeMap  Allows a collection to be created by selection on tag name.  SQL-like querying capability using selectNodes  Dynamic list

10 FleXML  Classes that allow XML documents and their nodes to be accessed through VDF 6 and the Web App Server.  Automatic validation and “well- formedness” verification.  XMLParseError support points to problems with XML Documents.

11 FleXML Classes  FleXMLNode, FleXMLNodeList, FleXMLNamedNodeMap  Subclasses for each type of node: FleXMLDocument, FleXMLElement, etc  Allow manipulation of XML documents using native XMLDOM methods.

12 Impact on VDF and Web App Server  Adds value to VDF (client-side access to XML documents)  Adds value to Web App Server (allows XML documents to be accessed and published.)  Demo

13 XML (Where to go for more info)       html

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