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Introduction to Engineering through Mathematics Dr. Anne Spence Melissa Corkum Jamie Medoff.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Engineering through Mathematics Dr. Anne Spence Melissa Corkum Jamie Medoff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Engineering through Mathematics Dr. Anne Spence Melissa Corkum Jamie Medoff

2 Program Goals and Objectives Increase awareness and interest in engineering careers Use engineering application to build algebra skills and understanding Encourage females and minorities to enter STEM fields Increase success rates in passing algebra on first attempt Answers student question “When will we ever use this?”

3 Background Developed three CD kits each targeting a different engineering field. Provided summer training workshops for teachers. Developed an undergraduate Teaching Fellows program.

4 Hands-On Activities Five people per group 1.Bernoulli’s Principle 2.Catapults and Projectile Motion 3.Fulcrums 4.Modulus of Elasticity (Slopes) 5.Circuits

5 Debriefing Hand out CDs and literature Webpage –

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