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Injury Management Scenarios What would you do?. You are watching a football game and a player goes in for a tackle with his head down. After hitting the.

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Presentation on theme: "Injury Management Scenarios What would you do?. You are watching a football game and a player goes in for a tackle with his head down. After hitting the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Injury Management Scenarios What would you do?

2 You are watching a football game and a player goes in for a tackle with his head down. After hitting the other player you notice he goes limp and is not moving. As you approach the athlete you notice he is unconscious, but is breathing and as you check you see he has a pulse. What steps will you go through before EMS arrives? What will EMS do when they get there?

3 What would you do? At a rugby game a player comes out of the game and has a cut on the arm. It is spurting out blood. What do you do to stop the bleeding? What kind of bleeding is it? What does this tell you? After you have this bleeding under control, what signs do you tell the athlete to look for infection

4 What would you do? At a soccer game a player goes to kick the ball and gets side tackled by an opponent. Upon performing a HIPS assessment, you find a major deformity on the fibula. Before the ambulance arrives you decide to splint the injury, what are the steps to proper splinting?

5 What would you do? Two tennis players are messing around after practice and somehow one of them gets hit with a tennis racket in the abdomen. The athlete seems to be in a lot of pain. What are some signs and symptoms you would look for to see if they were suffering from internal bleeding? If signs are present, what should you do?

6 What would you do? You are at a hockey game and as a player goes in to make a slap shot, another player goes into block it and gets hit in the arm with his stick. As you approach you can see that it is a compound fracture of the humerus and there is a lot of blood oozing from the injury. You properly splint the humerus, and attempt to control the bleeding. He is telling you he feels like he needs to throw up and is sweating a lot. What can you assume that he is suffering from? What other signs do you need to look for? What should you do to treat him for this condition?

7 What would you do? You are in the training room and a basketball player comes running in saying a player is down. You run out to practice and notice everyone is surrounding a player that is convulsing (having a seizure). You check his medical history and ask his friends is he has epilepsy, they say no and there is no record that he has epilepsy on his physical form. What should you do to control this situation? Should you call EMS?

8 What would you do? An athlete comes into the training room complaining that his new shoes have caused a blister and wants to pop it. What should you do?

9 What would you do? During football two a day practice, a lineman approaches you and tells you he does not feel well. The athlete seems flushed and his skin is very red. When you touch his hand it feels hot and dry, and his pulse is very strong and rapid. He had a headache and is very dizzy. What is this athlete suffering from? What should you do to help this athlete? How do you know he is not suffering from another heat illness?

10 Assignment Make up 3 scenarios for injuries, conditions and illnesses discussed in this chapter. Switch with 3 people and answer their scenarios.

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