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AAS Candidate Training Program Knowledge Lesson 4: Explanation of Testable Material.

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Presentation on theme: "AAS Candidate Training Program Knowledge Lesson 4: Explanation of Testable Material."— Presentation transcript:

1 AAS Candidate Training Program Knowledge Lesson 4: Explanation of Testable Material

2 Topics AAS National Test Standards and expectations Testable material

3 AAS National Test Administered to Candidates Conclusion of the CTP’s Knowledge portion Required by National Headquarters Prerequisite of AAS membership

4 Standards and Expectations Test type – Multiple Choice – Fill-in-the-blank – Short Answer 80% minimum score No more than 1 retest

5 Testable Material Important dates (years) in AAS history AAS Namesake Organization type AAS Missions and Purposes

6 Testable Material, Cont’d AAS Motto and official flower AAS Colors AAS Symbols and Insignia AAS Membership types

7 Testable Material, Cont’d Unit Staff Positions Area and National Staff Positions AAS Positions’ ranks Area/National Conclaves

8 Review AAS National Test Standards and expectations Testable material

9 Benchmark Quiz (Part 1/3) 1.The USAF was established in what year? 2.The Official Flower of AAS is ____. 3.“Hap” Arnold was ultimately given this rank. 4.(T/F) AAS’s mission is to serve AFROTC. 5.(T/F) Silver is a color of AAS. 6.The lowest cadet rank held in AAS is ____. 7.List the four types of AAS membership.

10 Benchmark Quiz (Part 2/3) 8.What is the minimum score on the AAS test? 9.(T/F) This year’s JNP is “Country First.” 10.The Duc de Boufflers said this. 11.(T/F) A 3/5 vote is required to amend the AAS Constitution at NATCON. 12.The founding Squadron of AAS was at the University of New Mexico.

11 Benchmark Quiz (3/3) 13.Director of Training is a position not usually held at this level in AAS. 14.There are ____ geographic regions of AAS, ours is region ____. 15.(T/F) This year’s Nat’l HQ is at the University of Wisconsin. 16.This year’s Nat’l Commander is AAS Cadet Brig. Gen. ____.

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