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Youth Programming Boone County Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services Michelle Shikles Public Health Promotion Supervisor.

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Presentation on theme: "Youth Programming Boone County Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services Michelle Shikles Public Health Promotion Supervisor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youth Programming Boone County Columbia/Boone County Department of Public Health and Human Services Michelle Shikles Public Health Promotion Supervisor

2 Why afterschool programming for crime prevention?


4 -Nearly 4.5 million children 14 and younger are injured in their homes every year, and most unintentional injury-related deaths occur when children are out of school and unsupervised.' -Non-motor vehicle accidents are the second leading cause of death for children 5 to 14 years of age, and a leading cause of death of older teens. -The after-school hours also are the most common time for teens to become pregnant'', and being unsupervised after school puts kids at greater risk of truancy, receiving poor grades, mental depression, and substance abuse -Being unsupervised after school doubles the risk that an eighth grader will smoke, drink, or abuse drugs.

5 Increasing afterschool programming for at-risk youth 1.Teen Outreach Program 2.Moving Ahead 3.Boys and Girls Club 4.21 st Century Programs

6 Teen Outreach Program Evidence-based program to reduce teen pregnancy, course failure rate, and school drop out Partners with the schools (Rock Bridge High, Jefferson Middle, Oakland Middle, Battle High, and Hickman – now Harrisburg!) Meets weekly after school Includes educational component and community service learning activities 8 years in Columbia – 4 years with CPS









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