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Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo By: Isidora and Emilija.

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Presentation on theme: "Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo By: Isidora and Emilija."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curtain Raisers New Youth Agenda for Valjevo By: Isidora and Emilija

2 Project Description Valjevo is a really small city. There is no such thing as entertainment. Young people don't have anywhere to go in their free time. In our opinion, there should be more places such as cinemas, theatres, discos for teens, sports centers, etc.

3 Project Description Target Group Project is for Teenageers in Valjevo, for spending more quality time. Primary Target Group: For Teens and young adults. Secondary Target Group: For kids under the age of 13.

4 Project Description Project Objective At the end of the project, there will be more places to go to and spend free time, so that young people won't be sitting by the computer all the time. There will be more sport fields, parks, maybe some clubs with gigs, etc.

5 Action Plan: Performing Arts Activity: We will organise the music festival, which will involve young people. Time: 20 th of June 2015 Responsible: City of Valjevo (Emilija and Isidora) Resources: City of Valjevo Outcome: Enjoying music

6 Action Plan: Summer Camps Activity:Nature around Valjevo is amazing. There are a lot of good places for camping. I think that every school should organise some school trips in nature for a couple of days. Time: Spring breaks Responsible: School Resources: City of Valjevo Outcome: Lots of Fun

7 Action Plan: Community service Activity: We think that young people should be more involved in protecting the environment, and take care of the nature. They should take part in eco organizations for better and healthier life in future. Time: Summer break Responsible: City of Valjevo Resources: City of Valjevo Outcome: Education and fun

8 Getting Ideas Here are some websites listing events and activities in our country and round the world. They might give you a few ideas: BelgradeBelgrade London SidneyLondonSidney Agents4changeAgents4change DoSomethingDoSomething MySummerCamps

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