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Peasants, Trade, Cities Early Middle Ages - small population - lots of invasions and war High Middle Ages - population increased Invasions stopped, increased.

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2 Peasants, Trade, Cities Early Middle Ages - small population - lots of invasions and war High Middle Ages - population increased Invasions stopped, increased food production better climate changes in technology power of water and wind to do jobs use of iron – carruca three field crop rotation



5 Peasants  manor - agricultural estate that a lord ran and peasants worked  free peasants were called serfs  worked land of a lord but was not a slave  Serfs paid rents by giving the lords a share of every product they raised

6 Peasants  Household  Lived in cottages had wood frames surrounded by sticks, spaces filled with straw and rubble then plastered over with clay  Had one and two room houses  Feast days (holidays)  More than 50 days were essentially holiday  Christmas, Easter, Pentecost  Religious feast days, Sunday mass, baptisms, marriages, and funerals


8 Trade 1000s and 1100s economic foundation changed trade and associated growth of towns and cities Vencie 1st trade city Flanders ideally located for northern European traders trade fairs were used to encourage trade demand for gold and silver helped started the money economy trading companies and banking firms were part of commercial capitalism


10 Cities Cities began to thrive with the start of trade many new cities or towns were founded, especially in Northern Europe Merchants would build settlement near a castle because of their location near trade routes and the lords would offer protection Bourgeoisie is what they would be known as

11 Cities  Townspeople had basic liberties - freedom from lord's run  developed their own governments to run the community  City life was crowded and dirty/pollution  Manufacturing of goods  craftspeople began to organize themselves into guilds

12 Medieval Christianity  Catholic Church played critical role in ordinary peoples lives  Strong leadership by the popes made the church a forceful presence in medieval society The Inquisition - Holy Office People wanted to achieve salvation

13 Culture in High Middle Ages was a time of construction – Churches Cathedrals were built in the Romanesque style Gothic cathedrals Flying buttress Stained glass



16 Culture in High Middle Ages Universities 1st appeared in Bologna only males Studied - liberal arts, grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, music, and astronomy earn BA - MA – PhD Highly regarded subject was theology Famous philosopher Aristotle


18 Late Middle Ages  Reached a high point in the 1200s and 1300s  Black Death would change that dramatically  Bubonic plague swept through Europe  spread by black rats infested by fleas  1/3 of Europe population lost  crowded cities were hit the hardest  entire villages disappeared


20 Late Middle Ages  The plague caused many to believe there was someone at fault for it.  Many believed it was God.  The plague caused trade to decline and shortage of workers caused a dramatic rise in price of labor  lowered demand for food

21 Late Middle Ages The Church would decline in power in the 1300s European kings began rejecting papal claims of supremacy Pope Boniface VIII and King Philip IV had consequences for the papacy King wanted to tax clergy Pope argued taxes required pope’s consent cause popes were supreme over Church and state

22 Pope King

23 Late Middle Ages Argument over which city the pope should resign in Great Schism occurred because there were two popes each living in the prefer city  The Great Schism created a political conflict as well as damaged the Church  So much degrading in church hurt peoples faith  Church council met and ended the schism  new pope, accepted by all was elected

24 The Hundred Years War War began over the duchy of Gasany in France England possessed it, France wanted it this started the Hundred Years War First major battle proved England was not organized nor had enough resources at first French won battle of Crecy 1346 English won battle of Agincourt 1415 Joan of Arc would play a major role in saving the French from defeat French would win in 1453

25 Political Recovery  France:  Spain:  England:

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