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Fantasy 04 Fantasy story steps. Ordinary kid lives a dull and normal life.

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Presentation on theme: "Fantasy 04 Fantasy story steps. Ordinary kid lives a dull and normal life."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fantasy 04 Fantasy story steps

2 Ordinary kid lives a dull and normal life.

3 Frodo Baggins

4 An important event, usually bad, occurs and the MC learns about the fight between good and evil.

5 The Ring Wraiths

6 MC decides to join the side of good after the main good guy wants him to come.

7 Gandalf and Frodo

8 MC learns that he is not so ordinary after all, and is the only one who can stop the bad guys.

9 Frodo and The Ring

10 MC begins his long journey that will take him far away from home.

11 Frodo Leaving

12 MC starts his own good guy force, and along the way people want to join.

13 The Fellowship of the Ring

14 Bad guys start to build their own forces, and throughout the story the good guys and the bad guys fight.

15 The Uruk-Hai

16 One of the good guys betrays them.

17 Boromir

18 One of the important good characters has to sacrifice himself to save the group

19 Gandalf’s Death

20 The fighting comes down to one final battle, and the good guys are heavily outnumbered

21 King Aragon

22 Good guys win the battle because of MC

23 Frodo Destroys the Ring

24 They live happily ever after

25 The Shire

26 The Steps 1. MC decides to join the side of good after the main good guy wants him to come. 2. MC decides to join the side of good after the main good guy wants him to come. 3. MC decides to join the side of good after the main good guy wants him to come. 4. MC decides to join the side of good after the main good guy wants him to come. 5. MC begins his long journey that will take him far away from home. 6. MC starts his own good guy force, and along the way people want to join.

27 The Steps (continued) 7. Bad guys start to build their own forces, and throughout the story the good guys and the bad guys fight. 8. One of the good guys betrays them. 9. One of the important good characters has to sacrifice himself to save the group. 10. The fighting comes down to one final battle, and the good guys are heavily outnumbered. 11. Good guys win the battle because of MC. 12. They live happily ever after.


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