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 The Constitution of our Academic Senate directs us to hold at least one, scheduled, all-faculty meeting each academic year.  Faculty who are not senators.

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2  The Constitution of our Academic Senate directs us to hold at least one, scheduled, all-faculty meeting each academic year.  Faculty who are not senators and do not attend senate meetings can be brought up to date on the work of the Senate.  All faculty and staff have the chance to hear from the President, the Provost, the Senate Chair, and the Brakebill Award honoree.

3 Highlights of Senate Business Fall 2015

4 Senate Administrative Assistant: Karen Arvin

5  Senate Chair and Senate Vice Chair positions will be independent.  Each position serves for two years, starting year is staggered.  Spring 2016 Elections: open position for Senate Vice Chair (1 course release per semester).

6  Approved approximately 30 curricular items.  Completed catalog reconciliation for CEHHS and CHABBS.  New electronic C form – start Fall 2016.

7  Updated University RTP document available starting Fall 2015.  Department RTP documents continue to be generated and revised.

8  Committees received ~20 referrals for new work.  Passed and implemented the policy for Assigned Time for Exceptional Service to Students. Initial awards were made.  Endorsed a resolution to call for open searches for campus presidents.  Ongoing discussions for lecturer inclusion, in consultation with the Faculty Center.

9 Hiring Tenure Track Faculty

10 Source: Statewide Academic Senate, 2011: “…ACR 73 (Strom-Martin) passed by the California State Legislature in 2001 set a minimum goal of 75%. The Academic Senate of the CSU (ASCSU), Chancellor’s Office, and California Faculty Association jointly developed a plan to achieve the minimum ratio of 75% tenured/probationary faculty by 2010-11…” Need to Hire Tenure Track Faculty ASCSU-FAC: Statewide Academic Senate Faculty Affairs Committee CSU-HR: Human Resources, Office of the Chancellor

11 Need to Hire Tenure Track Faculty Chancellor’s Office: Student Success & Completion Initiatives CSU Board of Trustees, 2014:

12  Tenure Track Faculty 53 (25%)  Lecturer Faculty162 (75%)  FTES* taught by Tenure Track 610 (35%)  FTES* taught by Lecturers1134 (65%) *Source: IPA

13  Tenure Track Faculty124 (37%)  Lecturer Faculty214 (63%) ◦ 4 lecturers with multiple appointments are counted in each department.  TAs 21  FTES taught by Tenure Track 1873 (31%)  FTES taught by Lecturers4213 (69%)

14  Tenure Track Faculty31 (48%)  Lecturer Faculty 33 (52%)  FTES taught by Tenure Track 577 (52%)  FTES taught by Lecturers535(48%)

15  Tenure Track Faculty51(39%) ◦ Includes 1 FERP, 2 Assoc. Deans  Lecturer Faculty79 (61%) ◦ If faculty who teach in extended learning are counted, the total lecturer faculty is 84  TAs15  FTES taught by Tenure Track 668 (29%)  FTES taught by Lecturers1602 (71%)

16  Tenure Track Faculty12 (75%)  Lecturer Faculty 4 (25%)

17 Headcount:  Tenure Track Faculty266 (34%)  Lecturer Faculty518 (66%) FTES taught by:  Tenure Track Faculty3848 (35%)  Lecturer Faculty7276 (65%) Source: IPA, except for library faculty Source: IPA; does not include library faculty

18 March 17th MARK 125, 12p – 1p

19 To all the faculty To all the staff To all the administrators Whose hard work and dedication make CSUSM a vibrant campus


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