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Warm Up: How are decisions made in the United States today?

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up: How are decisions made in the United States today?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up: How are decisions made in the United States today?

2 Today’s Question: How were decisions made in the Colonial America?

3 Agenda: 1.Class Discussion: Power Triangle 2.Simulation: How were decisions made in Colonial Virginia? 3.Create T-Chart 4.Pass out colonies study guide

4 Power Triangle Least People, Most Power Most People, Least Power ________ Owns all land, makes all laws __________________ Law making body that advises the King ______________________ Appointed by the King to rule the colony ______________________ Law making body elected by wealthy members of the colony _______________________ Gatherings of land-owning colonists to talk about taxes, money, and laws

5 Colonial Governors “Whenever we find ourselves with a needy court-dangler, whom we must kick down the stairs, we kick him into an American government.” One was described as being “fitter for an insane asylum or other hospital, than to be set over a respectable [territory].”

6 Royal Governors

7 The first meeting of the VA Assembly “Should we raise the price of tobacco?” “How should we deal with the Native Americans living nearby?”

8 New England town meeting “What should villages pay in taxes to support a school?” “Should pigs be allowed to roam freely about the village or be penned up?”

9 Meeting of the Class Legislature Red dots: carefully lift your chair and make a circle in the center of the room. Green dots: sit in the desks around the inner circle Blank cards: sit on the floor

10 Meeting of the Class Legislature Rules: 1.Your job is to create 3 new class rules. These rules will be in place for the remainder of the class period. 2.Once you have come up with the rules, green dots will have 30 seconds to voice their opinions. 3.You then have 4 minutes to revise the laws. 4.As an employee of the school, I will have the final say on the laws. I will decide according to what I think the principal would want.

11 Classroom History

12 Wrap Up: Underneath your T-Chart: In 3-5 sentences, describe your feelings on this type of government.

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