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MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen LaborUnionsLaborUnions.

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2 MuckrackersMuckrackers GooGoosGooGoos TemperanceTemperance SuffragettesSuffragettes PopulistsPopulists MidclassWomenMidclassWomen LaborUnionsLaborUnions CivilRightsCivilRights

3 Four Goals of Progressivism e Protecting Social Welfare e Promoting Moral Improvement e Creating Economic Reform e Reforming Local Government e Protecting Social Welfare e Promoting Moral Improvement e Creating Economic Reform e Reforming Local Government Movement: return control of government to the people “The 4”:

4 Protecting Social Welfare  Soften harsh conditions of industry  YMCA – opened libraries and opened recreational facilities  Salvation Army – established soup kitchens and started nurseries  Women such as Florence Kelley – worked against child labor & shorter working hours for women

5 Promoting Moral Improvement  Morality was the key to improving lives  Alcohol was undermining American morals (Temperance/Prohibition)  WCTU (Women’s Christian Temperance Union)  largest women’s group is U.S. history  largest women’s group is U.S. history  245,00 members by 1911  245,00 members by 1911

6 Promoting Moral Improvement

7 Creating Economic Reform  Americans began to question breaks big business got from government  Panic of 1893: American question capitalist system  some embrace socialism  some embrace socialism  Eugene V. Debs (American  Eugene V. Debs (American Party in 1901) Party in 1901)  Muckrakers – journalist who wrote about the corrupt side of business and poor social conditions

8 The Socialist Party & Eugene V. Debs The issue is Socialism versus Capitalism. I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.

9 The Power of Big Business John D. Rockefeller – Oil Tycoon in control of government

10 Notable Muckrakers  Jacob Riis- photographs the horrid tenement living conditions; How the Other Half Lives  Ida Tarbell- exposed Standard Oil Trust (McClure’s Magazine)  Lincoln Steffens- editor of McClure’s Magazine – exposes political corruption  Upton Sinclair- author of The Jungle – abuses in the meatpacking industry

11 Ida M. Tarbell – “Mr. Rockefeller has systematically played with loaded dice”

12 Lincoln Steffens: Most famous of the muckraking journalists (1903-1910)

13 Upton Sinclair – Exposes abuses in the meat packing industry

14 Fostering Efficiency  Louis Brandeis – studies data on high costs of working hours  Frederick Winslow Taylor – Scientific Management: time & motion studies to improve efficiency

15 Reforming Local Government  Natural disasters play role in reforming city governments  A commission of experts deal with running different city departments  City council makes local laws  usually appoints a manager to run city departments

16 Reform at the State Level  Wisconsin Gov. Robert M. La Follette  “Fighting Bob”  3 term governor  goal: drive corporations out of politics  main target: railroads

17 Protecting Children & Shorter Working Hours  Keating-Owen Act – 1916 1916  ban goods produced by child labor  Muller v. Oregon  limited women to a 10 hour workday

18 Election Reform  Before election reforms, many politicians owed their jobs to their party boss.  Today, candidates have to run in primaries  initiative  a ballot bill by the people instead of lawmakers  referendum  a vote on the initiative  recall  public officials face another election before the end of their term

19 17 th Amendment (1913)  Direct election of U.S. Senators

20 Women Farm Workers  South & Midwest  Cooking, making clothes, laundering  Raising livestock  Helped plow/plant fields

21 Industry, Offices, and Schools  25% in manufacturing (garment trade)  1890, women high school graduates outnumbered men  Typists  Telephone operators

22 Women Lead Reform  Women’s Colleges open giving more opportunities  NACW est. to morally educate the colored race  Susan B. Anthony led suffrage movement  NAWSA est. in 1890 Susan B. Anthony

23 Attempts at Suffrage  Utah, Wyoming, Colorado, Idaho gave right to vote  1875 Supreme Court said women were citizens but denied them right to vote

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