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The General Convention of The Episcopal Church July 5-12, 2012 Indianapolis, IN.

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Presentation on theme: "The General Convention of The Episcopal Church July 5-12, 2012 Indianapolis, IN."— Presentation transcript:

1 The General Convention of The Episcopal Church July 5-12, 2012 Indianapolis, IN

2 The Episcopal Church (TEC)  We are not a “National” Church  The Episcopal Church is an International Church  110 Dioceses and one convocation of congregations  Representing 16 Nations – including USA, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Central Ecuador, Ecuador Litoral, Honduras, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Taiwan, Haiti, the Virgin Islands, and 6 countries in Europe.

3 General Convention History  1785 – 1st General Convention (Philadelphia)  1874 – ECW met at same time at General Convention  1926 – Deputy Betsy Dyer (Diocese of Missouri) was first woman seated as a deputy at GC (and the last until 1970)  1970 – Women deputies seated  1976 – GC voted for ordination of women  1991 – Bishop Barbara Harris, 1st woman bishop at GC  2006 – Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was elected as the first female Presiding Bishop in the history of the Episcopal Church and also the first female primate in the Anglican Communion

4 Provinces of The Episcopal Church Province I New England Province II NY, NJ, Haiti, Virgin Islands, American Churches in Europe Province III Middle Atlantic Province IV Southeast Province V Midwest (Diocese of Missouri) Province VI Northwest Province VII Southwest Province VIII Pacific, Navajoland, Taiwan Province IX Central America

5 Daily Schedule  Each day bishops, deputies, registered alternates, delegates to the ECW Triennial, and guests gather for Bible study and Holy Eucharist.  Legislative Committees meet throughout the GC, with more meetings and hearings scheduled earlier to help legislation move through to the Houses for consideration.  Many church-related organizations hold meetings in conjunction with convention, and there are lunches and dinners hosted by seminaries, provinces, societies, boards and staff offices of the church.


7 The Structure of General Convention

8 Bicameral Legislature House of Bishops House of Deputies

9 House of Bishops (HOB) Presiding Bishop serves as President of HOB The Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori (2006-15) The PB is elected for a 9-year term All bishops of the Episcopal Church, active and retired, are entitled to seat, voice and vote in the House of Bishops (unless deprived of the privilege). The House of Bishops is comprised of about 300 bishops. The HOB meets in between General Conventions (currently twice a year)

10 The House of Deputies (HOD) The House of Deputies is comprised of deputations, each of which is elected from its own diocese of The Episcopal Church. Deputations may include up to four members each from the clerical and lay orders. The HOD elects it own President, VP, Secretary and Treasurer. President & VP must be from different orders (i.e. one lay and one clerical).

11 Diocese of Missouri Deputation CLERGY DEPUTIES 2012 C1. Tamsen Whistler C2. Jason Samuel C3. Doris Westfall C4. Dan Appleyard

12 Diocese of Missouri Deputation LAY DEPUTIES 2012 L1. Kathryn Dyer L2. Michael Clark L3. Lynette Ballard L4. Lisa Fox Alternates L5. Jeanette Huey L6. Jay Kloecker L7. Don Fisher

13 Deputies, Not Delegates Deputies are not delegates; that is, they are not elected to represent the electing dioceses. Deputies vote their conscience for the good of the church. They cannot be instructed to vote one way or another.

14 General Convention Duties  Adopt legislation (resolutions)  Amend Book of Common Prayer, Constitution, and Canons  Adopt a 3 year budget (2013-2015)  Elect candidates to offices & committees (Church Pension Fund, Executive Council, General Board of Examining Chaplains, General Theological Seminary)

15 Resolutions A – Blue Book – Reports and recommended legislation from CCABs (committees, commissions, agencies & boards) B – Bishops (requires 3 bishops from 3 different dioceses) C – Diocese or Provinces D – Deputies (any 3 deputies)

16 Number of Resolutions  76th General Convention (GC2009) A 192, B 32, C 87, D 108 = Total 419 resolutions  77th General Convention (GC2012) A 155, B 6, C 66, D 3 = 230 Resolutions (as of 5-6-2012)

17 Legislative Process

18 Legislative Committees 2012 01 -- Dispatch of Business 02 -- Certification of Minutes 03 -- Rules of Order 04 -- Constitution 05 -- Canons 06 -- Structure 07 -- Consecration of Bishops 08 -- World Mission 09 -- National and International Concerns 10 -- Social and Urban Affairs 11 -- Church in Small Communities 12 -- Evangelism 13 -- Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music 14 -- Ministry 15 -- Education 16 -- Church Pension Fund 17 -- Stewardship and Development 18 -- Ecumenical Relations 19 -- Communications 21 -- Privilege and Courtesy 23 – Credentials (HOD only) 25 -- Program, Budget and Finance (Standing Commission)

19 Legislative Committee Appointments 12- Evangelism Deputy Michael Clark 13- Prayer Book, Liturgy and Church Music The Rt. Rev. G. Wayne Smith, Chair 14- Ministry Deputy Jason Samuel 15- Education Deputy Tamsen Whistler 18- Ecumenical Relations Deputy Daniel Appleyard, Chair 23- Credentials Deputy Kathryn Dyer

20 Public Hearings Legislative committees hold public hearings on legislation at which deputies, registered alternates or registered visitors may speak.

21 Act of General Convention  The House of Bishops and House of Deputies meet, deliberate, and vote separately.  To be enacted, resolutions must pass both houses in the exactly the same language.

22 Some Issues In Front of GC2012

23 Some Issues in Front of GC  Structure of the Church  State of the Church  Anglican Covenant  Trial Liturgy for Blessings of Same Gender Relationships  Baptism Required for Communion  Triennial Budget

24 Budget The Standing Commission on Program, Budget & Finance (PB&F) proposes a $35 million annual budget or a $105 million budget over the 2013-2015 triennium based upon a 19% asking of the dioceses of The Episcopal Church for church-wide canonical, administrative and programmatic work. Budget based on Missional Priorities.

25 Your Opportunities

26 You Can Volunteer or Visit The General Convention will be held in Indianapolis, Indiana, from July 5–12, 2012. Come and volunteer at the 77th General Convention of the Episcopal Church – share your skills and talents with the Church, while learning and seeing how the General Convention works from behind the scenes. Please visit the Volunteer website to get more information and to register.

27 Missouri Deputation Blog Before, During & After GC: The Deputation Blog is up and running at

28 After Convention 2012 After CG2012, the Missouri Deputation will hold Reporting Session(s) Date, Place and Time to be determined

29 General Convention 2015 Location for the 78th General Convention Salt Lake City, Utah

30 General Convention 2006 Kathryn Dyer Jeannette Huey Bishop Rockwell Mike Clark Margie Bowman Ron Clingenpeel Lydia Speller Jack Fleming Bishop Smith Tamsen Whistler

31 General Convention 2009 Bishop Smith Jeannette Huey Tamsen Whistler Ron Clingenpeel Lydia Speller Kathryn Dyer Mike Clark Jack Fleming Jay Kloecker

32 Any Questions?

33 Additional Slides For Reference

34 HOD Committee on the State of the Church  Average Sunday Attendance 68% have ASA less than 100, 4% of congregations have ASA over 300, Median ASA is 65. ASA has been decreasing: 4% (1 year), 16% (5 yr trend), 23% (10 yr trend).  Episcopal Congregations in Financial Stress -- 44% in 2000, 72% in 2010  Age Structure of the United States and The Episcopal Church: 2010 AGE <20 20-3435-4950-6465+ USA28%20%22%18%13% TEC15%10%19%26%30%  The advancing age of the Church’s membership, combined with a low birth rate, means that the Church loses the equivalent of one diocese per year through deaths over births  Ordinations decreasing: 2005 406, 2010 287  Retirements increasing: 2005 308, 2010 417  The average age of priests at ordination is 46  Age of clergy leadership, lack of long ministry careers, rising number of congregations without clergy leadership – all concerns for future of church.

35 Standing Committee on the Structure of the Church – Proposed Resolutions  Endorse the principle of “subsidiarity”  Reduce Diocesan Apportionments  Plan & Fund GC length – minimum 10 days  Provide assistance fund for deputies to attend GC  Reduce HOB meetings to annual  Reduce Barriers to participation in Church Leadership and Governance  Fund Initial Joint-CCAB Meeting  Coordinate Church Reform and Restructuring  Convene Consultation on Diocesan Effectiveness  Study Title IV Disciplinary Canons (non-USA dioceses)

36 Canons & Constitution Proposed Resolutions Only Bishops having jurisdiction shall have a vote on matters which, if adopted, would require a specific appropriation of funds. Currently, all bishops, active or retired, have seat, voice and vote.

37 Standing Commission on Liturgy & Music – Proposed Resolutions  A048 – Form Congregational Song Task Force  A049 – Authorize Liturgical Resources for Blessing Same-Gender Relationships  A050 – Create Task Force on the Study of Marriage  A051 – Continue Trial Use of Holy Women, Holy Men

38 Anglican Covenant  Accepted by some member churches of the Anglican Communion – Burma, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, Southern Cone (South America), West Indies  Not Rejected, Not Accepted (Under Consideration) – Scotland, Wales, South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, Canada, Australia, TEC  Rejected – England, Philippines

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