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Fairhope Elementary Rocks and Minerals McGuire/Workman Class / Science Feb. 13, 2008.

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2 Fairhope Elementary Rocks and Minerals McGuire/Workman Class / Science Feb. 13, 2008

3 A:B: fossilIgneous rock #1 Rock that was once melted and then cooled and hardened is called ___________. C:D: mineralSedimentary rock

4 igneous

5 A:B: metamorphicigneous #2 Rock that has been changed by heat and pressure Is ___________________rock C:D: Fossilmineral

6 metamorphic

7 A:B: igneousmetamorphic #3 Rock formed from material that has settled Into layers is called _______________rock. C:D: Sedimentarymineral

8 Sedimentary rock

9 A:B: mineraligneous #4 An object that is solid, formed in nature, and has never been alive is a ________________ C:D: fossilcast

10 mineral

11 A:B: rockfossil #5 What do we call the remains of a living thing that died long ago? C:D: mineralcast

12 fossil

13 A:B: rockmineral #6 A naturally formed solid made of one or more minerals C:D: wood diamond

14 rock

15 A:B: streak rock #7 What do you call the color of the powder left behind When a mineral is rubbed against a white tile? C:D: quartzhematite

16 streak

17 A:B: Shape and streakColor streak and hardness #8 What properties are used to identify a mineral? C:D: Color, shape, hardnessSize and streak

18 Color, streak and hardness

19 A:B: Crust mantle coreInner, mantle, outer #9 What are the 3 layers of Earth? C:D: Center, middle, outerCore, mineral, outer

20 Core, mantle, crust

21 A:B: sandstonesedimentary #10 What type of rock is formed by volcanoes? C:D: metamorphicigneous


23 A:B: How sediments change Igneous rock #11 How rocks change from one type to another is called the ________________________. C:D: Rock cycleTypes of soil

24 Rock cycle

25 A:B: The kind of food it ateThat the sea once covered the area #12 What can scientists infer by finding a fish fossil high in the mountains? C:D: What ate this animalWhat animals are like today

26 That a sea once covered the area

27 A:B: diamondgranite #13 Which of the following is not a mineral. C:D: quartzgold

28 granite

29 A:B: Plants don’t have teethPlants are smaller than animals #14 Why are plant fossils not as common as animal fossils? C:D: There were more animals than plants The soft parts of plants are easily destroyed


31 A:B: castfossil #15 What is formed when mud or minerals fill a mold? C:D: rockwood

32 cast

33 A:B: #16 How can you make a mold and cast model? C:D:

34 Make an impression in clay to make the mold and fill it with glue to form a cast.

35 A:B: #17 Why are most fossils found in sedimentary rock? C:D:

36 Most form in sedimentary rock because the remains are sometimes buried in the particles that form sedimentary rock.

37 A:B: #18 If igneous rock was kept in our room for six months would it change into a metamorphic rock? Why or why not? C:D:

38 No because in order for igneous rock to change into metamorphic rock you need great heat and pressure and it takes a long time for this to happen

39 Great Job!!!! Great Job!!!! Thank you for playing! Thank you for playing!

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