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McKinney Vento Jeopardy. McKinney Vento 101 Potpourri True/False Show Me the Money! 100 200 300 400 500.

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Presentation on theme: "McKinney Vento Jeopardy. McKinney Vento 101 Potpourri True/False Show Me the Money! 100 200 300 400 500."— Presentation transcript:

1 McKinney Vento Jeopardy

2 McKinney Vento 101 Potpourri True/False Show Me the Money! 100 200 300 400 500

3 The McKinney Vento Act cites these three factors in defining living situations as homeless. Fixed, Regular and Adequate

4 Students experiencing homelessness may enroll in any of the following schools. The school of origin or the attendance area school where non- homeless students may attend.

5 This is the definition of the school of origin. The school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled.

6 Per McKinney Vento, the terms “enroll”' and “enrollment' mean this. Attending classes and participating fully in school activities

7 Migratory children qualify as homeless if this condition is met. Migratory children are considered homeless if they meet the standard definition of homeless under McKinney Vento.

8 This entity is required to obtain records from previous schools attended when a homeless student enrolls in a new LEA. The LEA currently enrolling the student experiencing homelessness.

9 Transportation must be provided to a student experiencing homelessness in these scenarios. (1) To and from the school of origin upon request; (2) on a comparable basis as non- homeless students; and (3) if necessary, to remove a barrier to enrollment.

10 Removing barriers to the enrollment of students experiencing homelessness is the responsibility of these entities. SEAs and LEAs

11 This is the definition of an unaccompanied youth. A youth not in the physical custody of a parent or guardian.

12 A student experiencing homelessness may attend his/her school of origin for this long. For as long as the student is homeless.

13 Children awaiting foster care placement are eligible for McKinney Vento services. True

14 Dispute resolution procedures are uniform throughout all states. False

15 LEAs may meet their obligations to serve homeless students by assigning teachers to homeless shelters. False

16 LEAs may use McKinney Vento funds on activities to address the particular needs of homeless children and youths that may arise from domestic violence. True

17 An LEA may require that a parent or guardian of a homeless student provide contact information. True

18 These are the different methods to calculate Title I, Part A set-asides for a district’s homeless program. (1) Identify and assess the needs of students in homeless situations in the district, and set aside funds accordingly; (2) Multiply the number of identified students experiencing homelessness by the Title IA per-pupil allocation; (3) For districts with a McKinney-Vento subgrant, reserve an amount greater than or equal to the district’s McKinney-Vento funding request; or (4) Reserve a specific percentage based on the district’s poverty level or total Title IA allocation

19 This is an example of an expenditure not allowed to be paid for with Title I, Part A funds. Rental assistance to families After school programs Cap and gowns for graduation

20 Under this circumstance, homeless students qualify for Title I, Part A services and such funds may be used for those purposes. All students in homeless situations are automatically eligible for Title I, Part A Services.

21 This is how the cost of transportation to/from the school of origin between two LEAs. If the LEAs are unable to agree upon an apportionment of costs, the responsibility and costs for transportation shall be shared equally

22 SEAs must distribute this amount of its annual appropriation of McKinney Vento funds to sub grants. 75%, except that SEAs receiving the minimum funding level shall distribute at least 50%.

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