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Language Arts By Jack Trees. List and Explain three ways that you have improved your writing from the start of the year 0 My first way is that I write.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Arts By Jack Trees. List and Explain three ways that you have improved your writing from the start of the year 0 My first way is that I write."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Arts By Jack Trees

2 List and Explain three ways that you have improved your writing from the start of the year 0 My first way is that I write more during my free time. I help my sister with her writing. Sacred writing time has also helped me improve the speed of my writing 0 My second way is spelling. On spelling city I have to write out all the words into a paragraph. That helps me with my word choice. 0 My Third one is the writing prompts we do from time to time. They help me increase my writing length.

3 How has your reading improved this year? 0 My reading has improved because the Birbery and the 40 book goal. I did not win the Birbery but I did read 4 books. I read 40 books just after the 2 quarter. This was a big accomplishment for me because I never really liked to read all those “Ol’ Classics”. I like to read comic books, adventure books, and action books. Now I have learned to accept these genres. I do not like them, but I have learned to suck it up. But I know like to read more then I did at the beginning of the year.

4 How do you feel about your overall Language Arts experience this year? 0 I feel that I matured in reading and writing by a lot. I have learned to write faster with less errors. I have also learned that I can books fast when I put my mind to it. So in the end, I learned a lot so far. This will help me in 7/8, high school, and college.

5 What is your overall individual goal for this year? 0 My goal for this year is to become a better reader. To be more specific, Get to a X or Y reading level. Since I never took my reading test this year, I never gotten a chance to prove myself. I also want to read more during the summer. No one likes to read over the summer. But I want to try, rather then cram all the last minute reading for the packet on the last 2 weeks.

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