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Preventing ACL Injuries in Women Zoye Scott. What the ACL?  The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament located in the knee  The ACL allows the knee to.

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Presentation on theme: "Preventing ACL Injuries in Women Zoye Scott. What the ACL?  The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament located in the knee  The ACL allows the knee to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preventing ACL Injuries in Women Zoye Scott

2 What the ACL?  The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament located in the knee  The ACL allows the knee to rotate as well as prevent the tibia from sliding.  The ACL is the anterior cruciate ligament located in the knee  The ACL allows the knee to rotate as well as prevent the tibia from sliding.

3 Why are women more likely o suffer from ACL injury than men?  “Female ligaments are reported to be:  smaller  less stiff (more lax)  structurally weaker than male ligaments  females develop less knee protection and have higher loads on the ACL”  “Female ligaments are reported to be:  smaller  less stiff (more lax)  structurally weaker than male ligaments  females develop less knee protection and have higher loads on the ACL”

4 Prevention  Core training:  Core training will help women keep their upper body steady when running and changing directions or when jumping  CONTROL OF BODY MASS  Core training:  Core training will help women keep their upper body steady when running and changing directions or when jumping  CONTROL OF BODY MASS

5 Prevention  Balance and Agility Training:  Like core training this help women keep control of their body mass and control.

6 Prevention  Neuromuscular training which improves the strength in the hamstring which improves support of the ACL

7 Prevention  One of the easiest ways to prevent ACL injuries in women is teaching them how to land properly.  Landing properly means:  Bent knees  Tightened core  Hands free and able to be used to gain stability  One of the easiest ways to prevent ACL injuries in women is teaching them how to land properly.  Landing properly means:  Bent knees  Tightened core  Hands free and able to be used to gain stability

8 Conclusion  ACL injuries are painful and scary injuries that can sometimes end a woman’s athletic career. While it may seem that these injuries are inevitable, by adding a few more techniques to training a woman can have a strong impact on the prevention of an ACL injury.

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