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GERMAN UNIFICATION 1815- 1848 Zollverein. WHAT WAS THE ZOLLVEREIN? 1818- 70 Rhineland manufacturers- complaints to Prussia regarding competition from.

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1 GERMAN UNIFICATION 1815- 1848 Zollverein

2 WHAT WAS THE ZOLLVEREIN? 1818- 70 Rhineland manufacturers- complaints to Prussia regarding competition from foreign imports- Prussia had a chaotic internal and external trading system 4000 customs duties on goods entering Prussia etc… 1818 The Prussian Customs Union

3 WHAT WAS THE ZOLLVEREIN? Low duty placed on goods entering Prussia form foreign markets- no tariffs on raw materials, but low tariffs on luxury goods (tea, and sugar) Heavy tax placed on foreign manufactured goods that had to pass through Prussian territory Tariffs were kept low to prevent other nations from levying high tariffs on Prussian corn and linen- early stages of the Union benefitted the Industrialists but later when tariffs were raised, farmers began to see a rise in their fortunes The advantage to the union was noticed by many of the small German states


5 WHAT WAS THE ZOLLVEREIN? Many states were attracted to its “liberal” economic benefits, however many states were fearful of Prussian domination- many smaller unions were created to stifle the power Road building was the medium for this trade consolidation- Prussia built many roads and railways and made a deal with the Dutch which allowed them to built networks all the way through Prussia Prussian union was most successful and in 1834 the Zollverein came into official treaty- 18 states and by 136 it covered 25 states and 26 million people Encouraged manufacturing within Prussia and buying of Prussian goods increased and also encouraged Prussian farmers to sell their goods with other nations for a high profit

6 WHAT WAS THE ZOLLVEREIN? Zollverein was a unifying political entity- ruled by the Congress which negotiated as its own power with other European states It was the sole responsibility for unifying weights, measures and time with all of the Germanic states- including process of unifying transportation networks on Germanic states behalf The biggest German state to be excluded is of course Austria due to their protectionist economic policies- Austria essentially allowed Prussia to become the economic influence in the states and made Austria focus on its own issues

7 SIGNIFICANCE 1844 the Zollverein enjoyed Prussian leadership over economics in Germany It is not unification but it created habits that encouraged German states to work together- cooperation bred nationalist thinking It also encouraged the states to look to Prussia for leadership- seems off that Austria allowed this to happen- possibly an example of Metternich’s conservatism blinding him to reality What was the intention of Prussia? Isolate Austria? Expand Prussian dominance? Prussia was very reactionary yet their economic union was very progressive and liberal

8 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ECONOMIC UNIONS? Advantages of Free Trade Unions: 1. Lower Prices The cost of goods and services decrease as businesses no longer have to pay taxes and tariffs in order to import or export their products. This leads to more efficient production methods, which in turn lead to an increase in technology 2. National Security Many people believe that free trade makes the world a safer place. The less obstacles there are to international business dealings, the more economically dependent companies become on one another. Conflict less and less likely as it becomes in everybody’s best interest to make sure that other countries’ economies remain strong. 3. Capital Inflow Free trade brings more money into the local economy. Sell products to other countries means bringing money back to the local market. As they become successful business owners, they can use that money to subsidize the arts and culture within their own community

9 WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS OF ECONOMIC UNIONS? Disadvantages of Economic Free Trade Unions 1. Mom and Pop Shops Free trade promotes the growth of multinational corporations who can farm their labor out to the cheapest source. This leads to cheaper prices in their stores that eventually drive their smaller competitors out of business. In the same vein, free trade allows foreign industries to do business cheaply, making it much harder for developing countries to promote their own industries. 2. Economic Dependence Free trade encourages countries to rely on their imports instead of developing their own independent economy. If they are exporting a specific natural resource, such as a desirable mineral, to pay for these imports, then they are entirely reliant on the market not changing. 3. Inequality Some people fear that free trade will lead to inequality in some states with a history of ineffective governance. Particularly if one region of a country is rich in natural resources that they are exporting rather than sharing with the rest of the country, unrest and instability could break out


11 THE TPP AND CANADA Pros The TPP boosts exports and economic growth, creating more jobs and prosperity for the 12 countries involved. It increases exports by $305 billion per year by 2025. It does this by removing 18,000 tariffs placed on U.S. exports to the other countries. The United States has already removed 80% of these tariffs on foreign imports. The TPP evens the playing field. The agreement adds $223 billion a year to incomes of workers in all the countries, with $77 billion of that going to U.S. workers. (Source: US Trade Representative, TPP Fact Sheet) All countries agreed to cut down on wildlife trafficking, especially elephants, rhinoceroses, and marine species. It prevents environmental abuses, such as unsustainable logging and fishing. Those that don't will face trade penalties

12 THE TPP AND CANADA Cons Most of the gains in income would go to workers making more than $88,000 a year. Free trade agreements contribute to income inequality in high-wage countries by promoting cheaper goods from low-wage countries. income inequality That would be especially true of the TPP because it protects patents and copyrights. Therefore, the higher-paid owners of the intellectual property would receive more of the income gains. The agreement regarding patents will reduce the availability of cheap generics, making many drugs more expensive. Competitive business pressures will reduce the incentives in Asia to protect the environment. Last but not least, the trade agreement could supersede financial regulations. (Source: Public Citizen, Eyes on Trade, September 12, 2013Eyes on Trade


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