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Language Arts Mrs. Lesley Rogers. I am married with two children, Collin and Caroline. I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Troy University.

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Presentation on theme: "Language Arts Mrs. Lesley Rogers. I am married with two children, Collin and Caroline. I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Troy University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Language Arts Mrs. Lesley Rogers

2 I am married with two children, Collin and Caroline. I received my undergraduate and graduate degrees at Troy University. Teaching means the world to me and I hope to make a difference in your child’s life.

3 Expectations Grade Percentages Homework Classwork Tests

4 Grade Percentages. ReadingEnglishSpelling Fluency 20%N/A HW/CW/Skill/Pr ojects/other 20% Comprehension and Vocabulary Tests 40%Skill-80%Spell Test- 80% Unit Test 20%N/A

5 Homework ***Nightly assignments will be checked and recorded the following day. Monday Night Read over “Family Times” from workbook. Read weekly story with parent and complete “before/during” reading activity. (The instructions for this will be kept in your child’s binder in a sheet protector) They will need to do this on their own paper.

6 Tuesday Night English Skill Sheet Work on comprehension review questions. Wednesday Night Complete spelling assignments. Complete review questions if not already completed in class.

7 Thursday Night Complete academic vocabulary practice sheets if not already completed in class. ***Acad. Voc. practice is due every other Friday-see story schedule. ****Students will be given their spelling list on Friday so that they can work on it over the weekend if they want. They can also read their story and complete the “before/during” reading activities over the weekend if they want.

8 OOPS! Students will be given four “OOPS” during a 9 weeks to use on those days that an assignment was left at home, in a book bag, or just forgotten to be completed. The assignment will still have to be turned in the next day and the student will have to bring the assignment to me to get credit. It can also be used for a trip to the hall to get a forgotten book or binder out of a book bag.

9 Anytime one is used, I will record it on the weekly progress report and staple an oops slip to the weekly papers. If the assignment was never turned in, I will note that on the slip and a missed assignment will be noted on the progress report. W e are only human and sometimes we are in a hurry and forget. This will help with those OOPS! moments.

10 Tests Thursday Spelling Test Friday Vocabulary/Comprehension Test-Use review questions to help. English Test-Use English practice sheet to help.

11 Classroom Procedures Notebook Station Rotation Writing and Center Work Conduct Wednesday Folders

12 Notebook Binders will be organized to help students to keep up with their work. I will remind the students of where to put the work when putting it away in their binder. Binders will contain loose leaf paper, two pocket folders, and a pencil pouch. We will organize these in class. ****Please note that folders can be cleaned out after we have taken the comprehension test. Please do not throw anything away before that time.

13 Station Rotation On most days, students will have stations to rotate to every 15-20 minutes. One will be with me and the other two will be to work on a center, writing, or skills page for reading, English or spelling.

14 Writing and Center Work Writing will be kept in class as an ongoing project. Each student will have a writing folder in order to file this work and return to it as needed. Center Work will also be kept in class as an ongoing project. A separate folder will be used to keep this work.

15 Conduct As we all know, children sometimes break the rules at school. In order to keep control in the classroom and school, I use conduct checks. These checks determine their weekly conduct grade. Conduct checks will only be given after there has been a verbal warning. Positive reinforcement will come in the form of picking something from the treat box, free time, etc.

16 Please note that you will be notified immediately for serious concerns. Daily Discipline Steps # of OffensesConsequence 1 card pulled Silent Snack or Lunch 2 or 3 cards pulledNote Home 4 CardsPhone Call 5 or moreOffice Referral (This will result in a “U” on the report card) Report Card Conduct Grade # of OffensesConduct Grade 5-7 Cards PulledS- 8-14 Cards PulledN 15+U

17 Wednesday Folders Papers will go home each Wednesday. It is the child’s responsibility to get the papers home. Parents, please ask your child for the folder if they do not give it to you. I will send home weekly progress reports containing conduct grades and an effort grade (classwork/homework completion). Please sign and return the progress report by Friday. If for some reason I do not send home papers on Wednesday, I will send them out on Thursday.

18 Useful Websites This site contains information on the weekly skill, vocabulary list, spelling list, and other useful activities MORE TO COME. I will post new ones on my webpage under announcements. Go to and then to the faculty link to view the full powerpoint from orientation as well as other information. While there, sign up for “Notify Me”.

19 Parent Information Please fill out contact information so that I am able to contact you as needed. Please return information sheet to me next week. Sign up for “Notify Me” on the DPES website.

20 Box Tops for Education Students can turn in 10 box tops for a homework pass. Homework Pass rules are as follows: 1. Can only use one pass per week. 2. Good for 1 column (not side) of spelling sheet, or worksheet. 3. Cannot be used for reading log column sheet. ***Parents, please monitor your child’s progress and understanding of concepts even if a pass is being used. Thank you for your contributions. Box Top money is a must this year due to not getting fee money from the state this year.

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