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Conceptual Model Design Informing the user what to do Lecture # 10 (b) Gabriel Spitz.

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Presentation on theme: "Conceptual Model Design Informing the user what to do Lecture # 10 (b) Gabriel Spitz."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conceptual Model Design Informing the user what to do Lecture # 10 (b) Gabriel Spitz

2 Selecting a Conceptual Model Direct manipulation is good for ‘doing’ types of tasks, e.g. designing, drawing, flying, driving, sizing windows Issuing instructions is good for repetitive tasks, e.g. spell- checking, file management Having a conversation is good for children, computer- phobic, disabled users and specialized applications (e.g. phone services) Hybrid conceptual models are often employed, where different ways of carrying out the same actions is supported at the interface - but can take longer to learn Gabriel Spitz

3 Metaphor Definition ? “ The transference of the relation between one set of objects to another set for the purpose of brief explanation ” Lakoff & Johnson “...the way we think, what we experience, and what we do every day is very much a matter of metaphor. ” in our language & thinking - “ argument is war ” he attacked every weak point... criticisms right on target... if you use that strategy We can use metaphor to highlight certain features & suppress others Gabriel Spitz

4 Example Metaphors  Global metaphors  personal assistant, wallet, clothing, pens, cards, telephone, eyeglasses  Data & function  rolodex, to-do list, calendar, applications documents, find, assist  Collections  drawers, files, books, newspapers, photo albums Gabriel Spitz

5 Designing the Interface of a music player  Actions  Start  Stop  Pause  Rapid forward  Rapid backward Gabriel Spitz

6 What is an Interface Metaphor A metaphor is one thing that is conceived as representing another; A is like B An interface metaphor is an interface that has been developed to resemble aspects of a physical entity Gabriel Spitz The interface to a Yamaha CD Player

7 Why Interface Metaphor  It combines new concepts with familiar knowledge  Creating a list with Shopping Cart  We can describe an application as being like some other familiar object, or an operation being like a familiar operation Gabriel Spitz

8 Why Interface Metaphor  Helps users conceptualize abstract, hard to imagine, computer concepts in more concrete and familiar terms Gabriel Spitz Store content in a temporary storage location and then insert it in a file Cut & Paste VS.

9 An Interface Metaphor Example  Imagine expressing the various communication functions and procedures as a set of instructions Gabriel Spitz Global Metaphor Others: PIM Wallet

10 Benefits of Interface Metaphor  It capitalizes on knowledge that users already have – less learning  Users are more comfortable dealing with objects and concepts that they are familiar with – greater user satisfaction  Can reduce the visual clutter at the interface Gabriel Spitz

11 Interface Metaphor - Example Gabriel Spitz Metaphor for Data & Function Calendar To-do list

12 Interface Metaphor - Example Gabriel Spitz PIM

13 Interface Metaphor - Example Gabriel Spitz Metaphor for a Collection AZZ Cardfile

14 Potential Issues with Metaphors  Some metaphors or the way they are used break cultural and logical rules  Trash can should be under the desk  Deleting a document is not equivalent to ejecting a disc for safe keeping Gabriel Spitz

15 Potential Issues with Metaphors  Some changes strain the metaphor and hamper users ’ performance and learning  Printer control dialog box  What does the rewind button means Gabriel Spitz

16 Potential Issues with Metaphors Gabriel Spitz Another strained metaphor

17 Potential Issues with Metaphors  Not all metaphors cross cultural boundaries easily Gabriel Spitz

18 Metaphors Need to be Adapted  Some changes extend the metaphor in a “ natural ” way and thus increase its value as an organizing concept Gabriel Spitz

19 Extending Metaphor Gabriel Spitz A good metaphor is one that can account for the largest number of functions

20 Game Metaphor Gabriel Spitz

21 Gallery Metaphor Gabriel Spitz

22 Metaphor Controversy  Interface metaphors can be abused or misused  However  Interface metaphors can also be very helpful and useful  Adopt interface metaphors in an effective way to combine familiar knowledge with new functionality Gabriel Spitz

23 Design Guides  Provide good conceptual model  customers want to understand how UI controls impact object  Make things visible  if object has function, interface should show it  Map interface controls to customer ’ s model  infix -vs- postfix calculator -- whose model?  Provide feedback  what you see is what you get! Gabriel Spitz

24 Summary – Conceptual Model  A usable interface will have:  A purposefully designed conceptual model for the system image  A conceptual model that is logical, well articulated, easy to learn, and easy to understand  A conceptual model that is compatible with users task and work style  A conceptual model that capitalizes on what users know or are familiar with Gabriel Spitz

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