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UnrealEd This tutorial covers resizing BSP Brushes By Daniel Schmittou.

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Presentation on theme: "UnrealEd This tutorial covers resizing BSP Brushes By Daniel Schmittou."— Presentation transcript:

1 UnrealEd This tutorial covers resizing BSP Brushes By Daniel Schmittou

2 Before we start: This tutorial assumes you have the ability to set up a basic level, i.e. a room with some simple objects in it. This tutorial is helpful if you find that the BSP buildings and structures in your game are not the size you want them to be. ex.( in your level players look like they got hit by a shrink ray) set up a level like the one in the following screen shots:

3 Unreal Ed startup

4 create a cube builder brush with sizes: - 2000 - 2000 - 2000

5 Now subtract the brush

6 Create a new builder brush with sizes - 700 - 800 - 400

7 Now add that brush

8 Create a new brush with sizes: - 680 - 800 - 450 -Now subtract that brush

9 Create a new brush with sizes: - 900 - 900 - 900

10 Now select the 3 brushes: -inner subtraction -addition -builder -With all three selected create an intersect brush

11 -Now move the builder brush away from the other two brushes, and delete the other two (circled in red). -You should then have only one builder brush in the shape of the deleted addition and subtraction brushes

12 Position that builder brush as shown in the top and front views, basically so it touches the floor and is away from the center of the room

13 -Add a light to the scene, and place it in front of the builder brush and above it, as shown by the red circles. -now hit the rebuild-all button

14 -Now right click in front of the tunnel and add a player start.

15 If you run the game you’ll notice that your tunnel is too large for the player. -There are two ways to change the size of the tunnel without altering vertices. -however only one of those ways does this correctly without causing problems within the game. -The wrong way is to use the DrawScale3D boxes in the bottom right corner of the editor. -the following slides demonstrate the correct way to resize brushes.

16 -first move the builder brush away from the addition brush -right-click on the addition brush, then transform, scale. -enter the following numbers: x = 0.3 y = 1.0 z = 0.3

17 Now with the newly resized addition brush, move it so that it rests on the ground

18 If you run the game, you’ll notice that the tunnel is smaller and more proportional to the player.

19 To summarize: -when resizing BSP do not use DrawScale3D boxes in bottom right of editor. -using the transform scale property of a brush correctly resizes it. !Happy building!

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