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Mongols Mongol Attacks Ottoman Turks Yuan Dynasty Blast from the Past 100 200 300 400 500.

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1 Mongols Mongol Attacks Ottoman Turks Yuan Dynasty Blast from the Past 100 200 300 400 500

2 100 The man who united the Mongols into a single tribe and powerful army.

3 100 Genghis Khan

4 200 Mongol strategy was to give people a choice: _________ and _________ or _________ and _________

5 200 Surrender and live or Fight them and die Surrender and live or Fight them and die

6 300

7 300 Mongol controlled lands included lands in China, Persia, Central Asia, Southern Russia, Iraq, and Korea. Over ___% of the world’s population.

8 300 25% of the world’s population

9 400 Spell G …

10 400 G E N G H I S K H A N

11 500 A person who lives in different locations, different locations, constantly moving from constantly moving from one place to another. one place to another.

12 500 Nomad (The Mongols were nomads)

13 100 An island nation that the Mongols tried to conquer, Mongols tried to conquer, but failed. but failed.

14 100 Japan

15 200 This country signed treaties with the Mongols or were with the Mongols or were forced to make alliances with forced to make alliances with them. them.

16 200 Korea

17 300 There were two main reasons Mongol- reasons Mongol- conquered territories rebelled. Name them.

18 300 Mongol soldiers were Mongol soldiers were depleted (less of them) The Mongol empire spent lots of money on The Mongol empire spent lots of money on “public works,” which left them little for building up defenses

19 400

20 400 The Japanese called the storms that saved them the __________, or “divine wind.” They believed the gods had sent the storm to save Japan.

21 400 Kamikaze

22 500 The feudal system stayed in Japan because these people proved their worth by protecting Japanese lands

23 500 Samurai Warriors

24 100 Constantinople fell to the Ottoman Turks in what Ottoman Turks in what year? year?

25 100 1453

26 200 When Baghdad was destroyed by the Mongols, the Ottoman Turks the Ottoman Turks basically replaced this group of Turks.

27 200 Seljuk Turks

28 300 The Ottoman Turks got the idea of gunpowder from the Mongols (which China invented), and used it to fire the cannons. Who sold the Ottoman’s the bronze cannons?

29 300 Urban (the cannon salesman)

30 400 Some people who fled from the Ottomans went to this country in Western Europe, bringing with them humanistic ideas and classic G&R books.

31 400 Italy

32 500 The renewed interest in the greatness of the Greeks and Romans (art, architecture and literature) is also called this:

33 500 The Renaissance

34 100 The grandson of Genghis Khan and first emperor of Khan and first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. the Yuan Dynasty.

35 100 Kublai Khan

36 200 This European spent time in Kublai Khan’s court (gov’t council) and shared what he saw with the people back home. Most Europeans wanted a piece of China after that … Who was the guy?

37 200 Marco Polo

38 300 The Mongols attacked Japan on two separate occasions, 7 years apart. Give me either of the two specific years.

39 300 1274 or 1281

40 400 The Yuan Dynasty officially ended in this year.

41 400 1368

42 500 The Chinese Dynasty that followed the Mongol Yuan Dynasty.

43 500 Ming Dynasty

44 100 What is the most enduring impact (one that still lasts to this day) of Ancient Greece on our society?

45 100 The Olympic Games

46 200 What was the primary cause of feudalism in Western Europe? of feudalism in Western Europe? What was the primary cause of feudalism in Western Europe? of feudalism in Western Europe?

47 200 People needed protection from Viking, Magyar and Muslim invasions.

48 300 The Muslims created many achievements that spread to Europe through trading and conquest. What TWO academic areas did the Muslims contribute to the most?

49 300 Math and Science

50 400 What is the best example of “cultural diffusion” on the Roman Roads.

51 400 The spread of Christianity

52 500 Islamic achievements spreading to Europe through trade was the main outcome of these …

53 500 The Crusades


55 It took six weeks to get the guns to Constantinople. Inside the walls of Constantinople, there were only how many men waiting for this inevitable assault

56 8,000 men

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