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1.What are the functions of the skeletal system? 2.What kind of skeleton do vertebrates have? 3.What are the 2 parts of the skeleton? 4.What is cartilage?

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Presentation on theme: "1.What are the functions of the skeletal system? 2.What kind of skeleton do vertebrates have? 3.What are the 2 parts of the skeleton? 4.What is cartilage?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.What are the functions of the skeletal system? 2.What kind of skeleton do vertebrates have? 3.What are the 2 parts of the skeleton? 4.What is cartilage? 5.How is cartilage different from bone? 6.What do chondrocytes do? 7.Where is cartilage in adults? 8.What are two types of bone? 9.What is the difference between compact bone and spongy bone? 10.Does cartilage contain blood or nerves? 11.How does cartilage receive nourishment? 12.What is in yellow marrow? 13.What does red marrow do? 14.What are the different parts of the long bone? Questions Part 1

2 Questions Part 2-1 1.What is the organic material in compact bone? 2.What is the inorganic material in compact bone? 3.What do hydroxyapatite crystals and collagen fibers do? 4.Where is the bone matrix deposited? 5.What is inside Haversian canals? 6.Where are osteocytes found? 7.What are osteocytes? 8.What do osteocytes do? 9.What are canaliculi? 10.What do canaliculi do? 11.What is a lacuna? 12.What are the 3 bone cells? 13.What do osteoblasts do? 14.What do osteoclasts do?

3 Questions Part 2-2 1.What are the two processes of bone formation? 2.What is endochondral ossification? 3.What is intramembranous ossification? 4.What is an example of endochondral ossification? 5.What is an example of intramembranous ossification? 6.What are the 2 processes for bone remodeling? 7.What is bone reformation? 8.What is bone resorption? 9.What helps with regulating bone remodeling? 10.What affects bone remodeling? 11.What are joints? 12.What are immovable joints? 13.What are movable joints? 14.How are movable joints supported and strengthened? 15.What is an example of immovable joints? 16.What are the parts of a movable joint? 17.What does synovial fluid do? 18.What does articular cartilage do?

4 1.What is muscle tissue? 2.What joins together muscle fibers? 3.What are the three types of muscle? 4.Which muscles are striated? 5.Which muscle is multinucleated? 6.Which muscles are not multinucleated? 7.Which muscles are under involuntary control? 8.Which muscle is non-branched? 9.What is the main function of skeletal muscle? 10.What is skeletal muscle innervated by? Questions Part 3-1

5 Questions Part 3-2 1.What is a myofibril? 2.What is a sarcomere? 3.What is the sarcoplasmic reticulum? 4.What does the sarcoplasmic reticulum store? 5.What is sarcoplasm? 6.What is sarcolemma? 7.What does the sarcolemma do? 8.What is the T system? 9.What does the T system do?

6 Questions Part 3-3 Make a chart like this: Show the differences between red fiber and white fiber of skeletal muscle. RED FIBERWHITE FIBER twitch fibers (fast/slow) myoglobin (high/low) mitochondria (high/low) energy comes from: activity for a long time (yes/no) good for fast activities (yes/no) tired easily (yes/no) rate of contraction (more/less)

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