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ISOMERS Chemistry 122. Isomers The prefix “iso-” means same parts. How does this help with the definition of the term isotope? Some hydrocarbons only.

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1 ISOMERS Chemistry 122

2 Isomers The prefix “iso-” means same parts. How does this help with the definition of the term isotope? Some hydrocarbons only differ in their structural arrangement, not their structural formula  Ex. C 4 H 8 has three structural arrangements When the arrangements are different but the formula is the same, the molecules are referred to as structural isomers  They have different physical characteristics

3 Stereoisomers – Geometric Isomers Stereoisomers exist when the order of the atoms is identical but their positions in space is different - bond angles are different Geometric isomers are joined in the same order but differ in the orientation of groups around a double bond  There are two configurations – trans (opposite sides) and cis (same sides)  They are possible whenever each carbon of the double bond has at least one substituent


5 Stereoisomers – Optical Isomers Optical isomers exist when a carbon atom has four different atoms or groups attached, the molecule is asymmetric They are mirror images of each other – such as in looking at yourself in the mirror The mirror images will never be identical unless bonds are broken Conceptual Problem 22.4

6 For the remainder of class… Questions 18 – 19, page 706, 25 on page 707 Guided reading – up to section 22.3 Quick Lab – Page 707  To be passed in Thursday  Complete questions 1 – 3 under the analyze and conclude section  Draw and name the nine structural isomers of heptane (C 7 H 16 )  Bonus Assignment (add 5 points to your Chapter 19 Test), draw and name the 18 isomers of octane – due Thursday

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