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Atacama Life Vida en Atacama Chris McKay & Maite Trujillo NASA Ames

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Presentation on theme: "Atacama Life Vida en Atacama Chris McKay & Maite Trujillo NASA Ames"— Presentation transcript:

1 Atacama Life Vida en Atacama Chris McKay & Maite Trujillo NASA Ames

2 A transect from arid to extreme arid Yungay station, extreme arid 50 times drier than Death Valley 500 km south of Yungay, arid about as dry as Death Valley

3 Colonized Stones in the Atacama Desert Warren-Rhodes et al. Micro. Ecol. 2005

4 Crestline for the coastal range in the Atacama Desert

5 Rock garden Altamira Vineyard

6 Moisture mm/yr Life Mars-like soils Soil Bacteria Hypolithic algae Shrubs and insects 1 525 125 Desert ecosystems Gobi Desert Mojave Desert Biology wins reducing Photochemistry wins, oxidizing Nitrate deposits 0.2


8 Moisture Bacterial Counts Biology>Oxidant Biology~Oxidant Biology<Oxidant

9 Implications Length scale of patchiness should vary with moisture. Soil organics will be patchy and correlate with soil organisms. Soil oxidant will be patchy and anti- correlated with organisms.

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