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What projects should include cave/karst impact analysis? Any project occurring in known karst areas! Including but not limited to: APDS Rights of Way Grazing.

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Presentation on theme: "What projects should include cave/karst impact analysis? Any project occurring in known karst areas! Including but not limited to: APDS Rights of Way Grazing."— Presentation transcript:

1 What projects should include cave/karst impact analysis? Any project occurring in known karst areas! Including but not limited to: APDS Rights of Way Grazing lease renewals Brush treatments Trail building Range improvement projects OHV areas Mineral lease sales Special use permits Etc.

2 What projects should include cave/karst impact analysis? Cont. Projects specifically dealing with caves. Including but not limited to: Gate installation Closures Seasonal Permit required No entry Restoration projects Special use permits Filming Guide services Digs and resulting exploration procedures Collection permits

3 Develop a good affected environment statement appropriate to your area. Geology and speleogenesis Hydrology Biology Etc. For similar reoccurring projects, develop comprehensive possible impacts. APDs Road, powerlines, pipelines Grazing permits and range improvements

4 Develop standard mitigation measures. Buffers around karst features Facility berming No blasting Casing and cementing programs Etc. Make sure project leads know of cave/karst concerns. Delineate karst areas on maps. Make it a habit to review all projects that fall in those areas. Get “Cave/Karst” added to EA,CX,EIS, and DNA sign of sheets.

5 Since caves include many resources, work closely with other specialists. Biologists Hydrologists Recreation Specialists Archeologists Geologists Add caving community members to mailing lists for public comment. Presentations at grotto meetings Mailers For large projects, advertise in the NSS News or similar publications.


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