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Pancreas Pathology Lab, Case 1 60-year-old man with jaundice, epigastric pain and weight loss.

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Presentation on theme: "Pancreas Pathology Lab, Case 1 60-year-old man with jaundice, epigastric pain and weight loss."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pancreas Pathology Lab, Case 1 60-year-old man with jaundice, epigastric pain and weight loss.

2 Identify the organ Describe the gross findings

3 Normal Pancreas The normal pancreas is gray-yellow to tan throughout the organ.

4 Identify the organ Identify the structures Diagnosis?

5 Pancreatic Carcinoma The pancreas is bisected along its longitudinal axis revealing a large adenocarcinoma of the head. A – Tail of pancreas B - Mass

6 Describe the lesion clinically. Locate the lesion. What is the most probable diagnosis?

7 Pancreatic Carcinoma The specimen consists of the head of the pancreas nestled within the sweep of the duodenum. The head of the pancreas is replaced by a gray-white adenocarcinoma.

8 Describe the low power histologic findings

9 Peripancreatic Adipose tissue On low power the normal pancreatic architecture has been replaced by malignant infiltrating glands and extensive fibrosis

10 Describe the high power histologic findings

11 Poorly formed glands consistent with adenocarcinoma

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