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Let’s Visit Germany. Continent Echo Song (Point to continents on the globe as you sing song) Student ( S): Europe, Asia Teacher ( T): Castles, great wall.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Visit Germany. Continent Echo Song (Point to continents on the globe as you sing song) Student ( S): Europe, Asia Teacher ( T): Castles, great wall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Visit Germany

2 Continent Echo Song (Point to continents on the globe as you sing song) Student ( S): Europe, Asia Teacher ( T): Castles, great wall S : And Australia T : Best reef of all S : South Pole, North Pole T : Bottom and Top S : And that’s my world T : It’s time to stop Together: Europe, Asia, And Australia, South Pole, North Pole, And that’s my world! Student(S): North America Teacher (T): A canyon grand S: South America T: Rain-forest land S: Antarctica T: The Snow is high S: And Africa T: The deserts dry Together: North America, South America, Antarctica, And Africa

3 Activity 1. A World-Famous Castle This is a castle in Germany. It’s called Neuschwanstein (noy-SHVAN-stiyn) Castle. Walt Disney used this castle as a model when he built Cinderella’s Castle in Walt Disney World. If you want to visit this old castle, what country would you go to? What continent is that country on?

4 Activity 2. Germany and the Black Forest (Have students color Germany aqua on pg. 39. Have students draw a picture of a tree in the legend box next to the words Black Forest. Explain that the Black Forest isn’t really black, it’s just called that because very little sunlight reaches into the forest because of all the pine trees.)

5 The German Flag (Have students color pg. 61 to match the flag.

6 Activity 3. The Brother’s Grimm Long ago in Germany there lived a man and his wife and their seven children. The family did not have a lot of money, but they had enough to put food on the table and a roof over their heads. The two oldest boys, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, were the best of friends. They walked through the woods together. They collected rocks. They played with their younger brothers and sisters. But what Jacob and Wilhelm liked most was listening to stories – especially fairy tales. There were no televisions back then or libraries filled with children’s books, so the two boys were always asking people to tell them stories. When Jacob was 11 and Wilhelm was 10, they acted out the stories in the black forest. When they were in their 20s they decided to write a book and fill it with all the wonderful stories they had heard and acted out as children. They put those stories into a book called “Children’s and Household Tales”. Many people loved the book. They came to visit the Grimm brothers and tell them more wonderful stories and the Grimm brothers added stories to their book. The brothers became famous for their stories and there is even a statue of the brothers in town where they lived.

7 Activity 4. Grimm’s Fairy Tales (Have students listen to you read the following Grimm book titles and say ja (yah), which means yes in German if they know the story or say nein (niyn), which means no in German if they have never heard of the story.) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Cinderella Sleeping Beauty Hansel and Gretel Rapunzel Rumpelstiltskin Little Red Riding Hood

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