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Iowa Test Plans for ESTB B. Bilki, Y. Onel University Of Iowa.

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Presentation on theme: "Iowa Test Plans for ESTB B. Bilki, Y. Onel University Of Iowa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Iowa Test Plans for ESTB B. Bilki, Y. Onel University Of Iowa

2 Digital Hadron Calorimeter (DHCAL) Tests Development of low-resistivity glass is underway in collaboration with the COE College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Might need to test RPCs with different glass samples in beam. Variable particle rate over 50 – 2000 Hz/cm 2 is needed. Secondary Emission (SE) Calorimetry Tests In an SE detector module, secondary electrons are generated from an SE cathode when charged hadron or electromagnetic shower particles penetrate the SE sampling module placed between absorber materials in calorimeters. A prototype SE module is being built with alternating layers of multianode PMT arrays and steel absorbers (first stage involves testing a single layer with an absorber of variable thickness). Dual Readout/Crystal Calorimetry Different crystal samples with different readouts. Test for the time and spatial development of scintillation and Čerenkov light. Readout with SiPMs and PMTs directly coupled to the crystals. Test for different crystal properties (surface finish, wrapping, etc.) Precise beam position measurement is needed (wire chambers, etc.)

3 Parameters required for Beam Tests Beam parametersValueComments Particle Typee- would positrons be ok? - Yes Energy (2-13 GeV)2-13 GeVStage II hadrons?? Rep Rate (1-5 Hz nominal, Bursts up to 120 Hz) Charge per pulse or number of electrons/pulse Low rate: 50-400 electrons/pulse @ 1Hz High rate: 50K electrons/pulse @ 1 Hz Energy Spread<0.1% Bunch length r.m.s. Beam spot size, x-y, emittanceWould need position detectors (wire chambers, …) Others (cooling water, gasses, etc.) LogisticsRequirements Space requirements (H x W x L) 1x1x1 m 3 – 5x5x5 m 3 Others (cooling water, gasses, electricity, etc.) Duration of Test and Shift Utilization  week, 2-3 8-hour shifts/day Desired Calendar Dates Flexible about schedule depending on beam availability

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