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CCSS-M and Classroom Practice: Reflecting Conversation DECEMBER 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,

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Presentation on theme: "CCSS-M and Classroom Practice: Reflecting Conversation DECEMBER 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee,"— Presentation transcript:

1 CCSS-M and Classroom Practice: Reflecting Conversation DECEMBER 13, 2011 Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

2 Individual Reflection Think about the CCSS-M, both the mathematical practices and the math content, and write a paragraph for each question below. Because of your work in CCLM…… 1. Explain how your classroom practice has been impacted. 2. Share how your work with colleagues has made a difference in their classroom practice. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

3 Reflecting Conversations  Divide into grade level bands; K-2, 3 -5, & 6 -8.  Three ten minute conversations.  Use the assignment sheet as a structure to guide the conversation.  Use pg. 55 from the book, Mentoring Matters to support your paraphrasing skills. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

4 Starting the Conversation ….  Reflecting on this assignment, explain two ideas that you can connect to student learning and your classroom practice. Or  Reflecting on this assignment, explain the ideas from one of the sections that was most beneficial to your learning. Common Core Leadership in Mathematics Project, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, 2011-2012 School Year

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