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Creating a Sustainable Future 2013 V I S I O N 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating a Sustainable Future 2013 V I S I O N 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating a Sustainable Future 2013 V I S I O N 1

2 To ignite a passion for learning, inspiring its students to become self-motivated, enthusiastic participants in their education— both in high school and beyond. URBAN mission 2

3 3 URBAN 1970

4 4 URBAN 2009

5 URBAN _________________________________________________ 1966 1970 1972197719811985 19891991 1995 1997 2001 2002 2005 2010 22 90 165 174 230 350 Urban Building Campaign ($1.3 M) 25 th Anniversary Capital Campaign ($3.2 M) Building Our Future Campaign ($9.5 M) Students Block System Pioneer Service Learning Program Pioneer First SF HS One-to-One Laptop Program Written Evaluations history 9% Students of color 30% Students of color 18% Students on FA 26% Students on FA

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10 URBAN _________________________________________________ 1966 1970 1972197719811985 19891991 1995 1997 2001 2002 2005 2010 22 90 165 174 230 350 Urban Building Campaign ($1.3 M) 25 th Anniversary Capital Campaign ($3.2 M) Building Our Future Campaign ($9.5 M) Students Block System Pioneer Service Learning Program Pioneer First SF HS One-to-One Laptop Program Written Evaluations history 9% Students of color 30% Students of color 18% Students on FA 26% Students on FA

11 Vision 2013 strategic plan Diversity & Inclusion Working at Urban Sustainability Accessibility Education For the 21st Century Financial Stability Facilities 11

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13 URBAN facilities The Boys & Girls Club St. Agnes Given our location, facilities expansion for Urban is by nature opportunistic. The following properties have been in our focus for many years but have recently become more active prospects: 13

14 URBAN endowment Ensure accessibility for students who require financial assistance Support outstanding faculty and programs Strengthen Urban’s long-term financial sustainability A robust endowment would help us achieve many of the strategic commitments of Vision 2013 14

15 URBAN endowment In 2009, we embarked on a Major Gifts effort and have raised $2 million in commitments 15 $1.5 million for future facilities $500,000 for endowment

16 URBAN endowment strategy 16 Maintain a consistent focus on attracting endowment gifts Create opportunities for donors to focus gifts on their philanthropic priorities remain connected to Urban beyond graduation Examples of endowment initiatives Class Endowment Fund Family Funds

17 URBAN endowment Ensure accessibility for students who require financial assistance Support outstanding faculty and programs Strengthen Urban’s long-term financial sustainability A robust endowment would help us achieve many of the strategic commitments of Vision 2013 17

18 Q and A 18

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