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The term Classical Era is used in reference to a specific style and period of music which started from the year 1750 and lasted till 1825.{only 75years}

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Presentation on theme: "The term Classical Era is used in reference to a specific style and period of music which started from the year 1750 and lasted till 1825.{only 75years}"— Presentation transcript:

1 The term Classical Era is used in reference to a specific style and period of music which started from the year 1750 and lasted till 1825.{only 75years} The Classical Era was the last historical period of the "patronage system" when musicians like, Wolfgang Mozart Amadeus, worked as servants to powerful noblemen and royalty

2  During the classical era England and the rest of the U.K. was ruled by the king and his family that ruled over smaller providences as dukes duchesses princes ect.  Other countries such as France were at war within themselves during France’s revolution there was controversy about the revolution in America  many Americans supported them (having recently been freed from Brittan) but as the revolution became more violent the American people became much less supportive POLITICS

3  The French Revolution (1789– 1799) was a period of radical social and political upheaval in French and European history.  The French lower class rebelled and rioted against the wealthy ruling class their riots turned into violent full on anarchy  the revolution lasted three years ended with the beheading of king Louie XVI and freed the bourgeoisie

4  During the classical era of music composers like Bach and Mozart were hired by rich noblemen and royalty to compose and play music for them  they even wrote operas for a time Bach wrote for the arch duke of England and recreated old hymns while he wished to write innovative new forms of music this was a time of new

5 Instruments of the classical era included many instruments of today's orchestra which at the time included Four woodwind instruments flutes, oboes, clarinets and bassoons and in the brass family Trumpets, horns, and timpani and in the String first and second violins, violas, cellos, and string basses

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