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 Come from remains of organisms  Coal  Petroleum  Natural Gas  Many problems with their use  Availability  Pollution.

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2  Come from remains of organisms  Coal  Petroleum  Natural Gas  Many problems with their use  Availability  Pollution

3  Not renewable  Can’t be man-made  Limited supply  Difficult/Dangerous to reach  Dig deeper for oil  Further into natural areas  Combustible (explosions)

4  Burning of fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide  Increased on earth by 20%  Greenhouse effect increases temperature  Other sources-  Oil spill  Habitat alteration  Mostly air pollution

5  May be produced in large quantities  Renewable resources  24% of land is used for crops for fuel  Fuels formed from the products of living organisms  Wood  Garbage  Methane  Alcohol

6  Swamp gas not man-made  Result of decaying plants  Garbage  Used like natural gas

7  Renewable resource  Made by bioconversion  conversion of organic material to fuel  Ex. plants to alcohol  Sugarcane & corn  Ethanol  Liquid  Burns cleanly

8  Made by yeast  Fermentation-  The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms  Yeast turning sugar to alcohol

9  Run cars  More than two million in Brazil  May be mixed with gasoline  90% gasoline 10% ethanol

10 Car companies- Ford General Motors Isuzu Mazda Mercedes Mercury Nissan Ford, General Motors, Isuzu, Mazda, Mercedes, Mercury, Nissan

11  Now to the game!!!  Bull's-eye  Aim for the center  Questions get easier the closer to the center you get  Good luck!!!!!!!!!!

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