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Putting a STOP to Bullying By Talice Harper

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2 Putting a STOP to Bullying By Talice Harper

3 What is Bullying?  Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a power imbalance.  Bullying behaviors are often repeated or have a strong potential to become repeated.  Several forms of bullying:  Threats.  Physical or verbal attacks.  Spreading rumors.  Physical violence – hitting, kicking, tripping, etc.  Excluding someone on purpose.

4 Where Does Bullying Occur? School/Home  Recess  Playground  Bus  Bathrooms  Cafeteria Internet/Cyberbullying  Text messages  E-mails  Social networking sites

5 Who is at Risk for Being a Victim?  There is no single factor that determines if a child will be bullied; however, there are groups that may be at an increased risk of being bullied.  Students with disabilities.  Socially isolated students.  Students with varying sexual orientations:  Transgendered students.  Bisexual students.  Lesbian students.  Gay students.

6 Who is at Risk for Being a Bully?  There are two types of children who are likely to bully others.  Students with social power who like to be in charge of others.  Usually well-connected to peers.  Overly concerned about popularity.  Socially isolated students.  May suffer from depression or anxiety.  Unable to identify with the emotions or feelings of others.

7 Warning Signs a Child may be a Victim of Bullying:  Unexplainable injuries  Difficulty sleeping  Changes in eating habits  Avoidance of social situations  Faking illness  Declining grades  Self-destructive behaviors  Decreased self- esteem

8 Warning Signs a Child may be Bullying:  Gets into physical fights  Has unexplained belongings/money  Blames others for problems  Competitive  Worries about popularity  Has friends who bully others  Frequent trips to detention or principal’s office  Doesn’t accept responsibility

9 Frequency of Bullying  The 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) indicates that, nationwide, 20% of students in grades 9–12 experienced bullying.Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System  The 2008–2009 School Crime Supplement (National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics) indicates that, nationwide, 28% of students in grades 6–12 experienced bullying.School Crime Supplement

10 How to Talk about Bullying  School staff, parents and other adults can play an important role in bullying prevention.  Help kids understand bullying.  Openly communicate.  Encourage kids to be themselves.  Model respect and kindness.

11 Prevention at School  Assess bullying  Engage parents and youth  Launch an awareness campaign  Establish a school safety committee  Educate students and staff  Create bullying policies and rules  Bullying reporting system  Establishes a climate in which bullying will not be tolerated  Reinforces positive interactions  Mission statement  Code of conduct

12 Stop Bullying on the Spot  Adults should respond quickly and consistently to reiterate the message that bullying will not be tolerated.  Intervene immediately.  Make sure everyone is safe.  Stay calm.  Model respectful behavior.

13 Support the Victim  Assure the child it is not their fault  Listen to the child  Give advice  Consider referral to school counselor  Protect the child  Help the child feel safe  Discuss what to do if the bullying were to occur again

14 Support the Bully  Use consequences to teach the child  Show the child how serious bullying is taken  Make certain the child understands what the unacceptable behavior is  Work with the child to better understand why they turned to bullying  Help the child see how their actions affected others

15 Be Committed  Bullying will not end overnight but it can be prevented by consistently establishing respect, tolerance and acceptance of others.

16 References  Escola Municipal de Ens. Fundamental e Infantil "Profª Alice Bernardes Silva": Bullying não é brincadeira. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2013, from 7/bullying-nao-e-brincadeira.html  FATHERS.COM - When The Nest "Un-Emptys". (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2013, from content&task=view&id=185&Itemid=62  Gail Skroback Hennessey. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2013, from es.html  (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2013, from

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